Sermon Series
  • 1. Know Your Oponent

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    This is the 1st of 4 on winning the spiritual war

    INTRODUCTION • Life can be tough at times. It seems like there are times when nothing seems to come easily. It seems in our spiritual walk that we take two steps forward and three back. • I have seen people who would just give up and quit when things got tough for them. I see other people more

  • 2. Know Your Equipment (Pt 1)

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    If you are going to fight, you need to know how to use the armor

    INTRODUCTION • Last week we started to look at the spiritual battles we all seem to deal with on a daily basis. We are all in the midst of some kind of war with the enemy. Some of us do not even realize the magnitude of the battle. • One of the first things we must know if we are going to be more

  • 3. Know Your Equipment (Pt 2)

    Contributed on Apr 30, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    This the second part of my message on the armor of God.

    INTRODUCTION • Today we are going to finish our look at the full armor of God. Over the last couple of weeks we have seen who our enemy is and we started to look at some of the equipment that God has given to us so that we can win the battle we fight with the enemy each and every day. • The more

  • 4. Communication With Hq

    Contributed on May 7, 2004
    based on 39 ratings

    If we are going to win the spiritual war, we need to communicate with HQ on a continual basis

    INTRODUCTION • Over the last three weeks we have been looking at how we can be victorious in the spiritual battles we all fight each and every day. We looked at the importance of knowing who we are fighting along with learning about the protective armor and weapons for war we have been more