
Summary: Psalm 23 has been about the story of God's salvation. This lesson ties together the past 8 lessons to show of God's salvation and how He prepared a way for us to enter heaven.

Psalm 23:6b “and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”

As we close our series on the 23rd Psalm we end with the best passage of all. The 23rd Psalm is about Salvation. We see where we are born into this world lost just as sheep. We are blind and need a shepherd. But the Lord in His infinite grace chooses to save us. It isn’t us who chose God, God chooses us. He saves us, sets us apart, cleans us up, protects us from our enemies and then prepares an eternal home for us to live.

We spend billions of dollars each year on health care to fight disease. But when God calls us home there is nothing we can do to stop that day. No matter how good of shape we are in or how we watch our weight, what we ate or drank the day is the day. Most of us will be caught off guard by this event. A lot of us will be afraid to go because of our lack of knowing who God is and where we are going. Those of you who have immersed your self in God’s word, have been praying and having fellowship with the Lord will find comfort in the “Valley of the shadow of death” because it is not death at all, is it? It is the beginning of our real lives. We were made for eternity. When sin entered the world we were cut off from eternity because we could not live forever with sin. That is why we need to set aside our earthly bodies so we can experience ultimate joy and peace.

Are you ready to dwell in the “house of the Lord forever”? If not then ask yourself why? Most of us cling on to something that is sinful just because we are comfortable here. That is like asking a baby to experience life outside the womb. They would say “No Way” I have a great life in here. But you see every child would miss the life they are given when they choose to stay where they are. Fortunately for us God knows better and that’s why we don’t have a choice with labor. Once the pain stars the baby is coming.

Once our day is set when we will leave this earth in much the same way. We might go kicking and fighting BUT when we experience life outside of this earth and into true life with the Lord we will not remember our time in the womb here on earth. We will only see the Glory that awaits. But in order to experience this glory we need to be saved. I would ask right now that you would prayerfully consider sending this devotional and link to a friend that you care about.

When I was younger I wanted to be a doctor like my dad. If I had not flunked physics twice I may have made it. But God has given me a gift to be another kind of physician. This kind of physician enables me to still help heal people through the power of Jesus. But this gift of conveying the power of the gospel enables people to live forever. As a physician writes a script out for medication to help you feel better in the end you still will die. But the above link is a script for eternal life. Will you take it or throw it away? The choice is yours as we all have a free will. Maybe you have felt God knocking on your heart for some time but keep putting it off. Don't put it off another second as the birth pains of an earthly death could start today.

God loves us enough to provide a way. He did that in Jesus. Jesus paid the price, a price that we could never pay, so that all those who believe in Him will never perish but have eternal life in heaven. PLEASE pass this devotional and link (script to heaven) to those whom you love. The time you and I spend on this earth is always shorter than we think. Let us in the power and grace of Jesus make the most of every opportunity we have for the One who saved us.

Have a great day in the power and love of the Lord.



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