Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Joy needs to be experienced in the journey of life! But Joy, like any other attitude, can come and go. We must put ourselves in the places where experiencing joy is a possibility. We need to go after and find joy in our journey of life.

Video Transition: Indivisible - the movie came out in Oct 2018 true story of fighting for the Biblical family!

Summary of INDIVISIBLE is based on the extraordinary true story of Army Chaplain Darren Turner and his wife Heather. With a strong, faith-filled marriage, the Turners are ready to follow their calling: serving God, family, and country.

Fresh from seminary and basic training, Chaplain Turner and his family arrive at Fort Stewart. Yet before the Turners can even unpack their new house, Darren is deployed to Iraq. Heather is left taking care of their three young children alone … as well as serving the families of the other deployed soldiers.

Despite a desire to stay connected with their loved ones, the harsh realities of war take a daily toll over the course of the Battalion’s extended deployment. Meanwhile back home, babies are born, kids keep growing, and nerves are frayed with every late-night knock on the door.

Find Joy Through Your Family! (pt. 5)

Series: Find Joy in the Journey

Thesis of series: Joy needs to be experienced in the journey of life! But Joy, like any other attitude, can come and go. It is not guaranteed simply because we are born again believers. We must put ourselves in the places where experiencing joy is a possibility. We need to go after and find joy in our journey of life.

Introduction to Series:

The world tells us to pursue happiness. They tell us there are many paths to happiness for example: getting a college degree, having a successful career, making lots of money, getting a new car, hitting your goal weight, marrying the perfect person, buying your dream house, retiring early, and now we have the following being promoted in our society as the path of happiness such as: embrace you gay side and be proud and reject scientific and biblical family values, happiness is found in abortion on demand paid by the state even at 9 months old, happiness is living together and not marrying, happiness is found in life by not adhering to any absolutes, happiness is being a full time gamer, happiness is found in legalized marijuana, happiness is found in drugs, happiness is found in parties especially wild ones. Happiness is found in sexual promiscuity.

So we hear these things or actions will make you happy!

Question: Do you think I am correct with my observation of our current society? Do I need to add to the list? Do you think I am missing something?

So, we have the pursuit of happiness and we get it when we get whatever we want – so goes the myth of the great deception of happiness.

But I look around and happiness is fleeing many – people are angry, depressed, suicidal, unforgiving, revengeful, I see people easily disappointed and frustrated.

I really have been challenging you to look over the myth of the pursuit of happiness and live beyond this self-centered focus to instead finding joy in the journey of life – even in the unexpected corners of life – even in the trails of life! Because life is filled with unhappy moment’s but God can help us discover joy in the journey. This is what our video clip revealed to us today and uses the real life family of Army chaplain Darren Turner and his wife Heather.

Scripture Texts for 2019:

Phil. 4:4: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”

Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

John 15:11 “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

Sermon: Finding Joy in the Journey through Family! Pt 5

Focus: We have decided to focus on the family this month of June to celebrate and learn how to build healthy biblical families!

Thesis: We need to learn the keys to having a healthy biblical family if we want to fend off the attack of the enemy on our families. If we want to experience joy in the journey of life!

Summary of key building blocks to a healthy biblical family unit:

1. Build on God’s foundation and use His blueprints.

2. Commit and submit to each other and to the biblical family unit.

3. Be loyal and faithful to the family and to each other.

4. Respect your spouse, family members and others.

5. Be good godly parents.

6. Choose to forgive and be forgiven.

In Chuck Swindoll’s book The Strong Family he asks the question, “What makes a family strong?”

He quotes a survey done by Dr. Stinnett who studied 3,000 families and discovered six main qualities of strong families:

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