
Summary: Some people want to ignore the baptism of Jesus but it was God's plan that He be baptized and so should we be baptize.

Why was Jesus Christ baptized? Even the one who was adminstering the baptism was confused why he was coming to him, John the Baptist. Why Jesus? John was preaching the good news that Jesus was coming and the people had to be ready for Him by coming in repentance. Jesus, being sinless, did NOT need this baptism then! Jesus was not coming because He was one of the sinners like the others, but Jesus gives His reason for coming, "To fulfill all righteousness." Matthew 3:15.

What does that mean then? It means to bring to completion or perfection; The completion is what was required by God as it is stated in the Old Testament. Baptisms in the Old Testament was for the purification of self towards God. Naaman was told to wash himself in the Jordan seven times and he was healed by God. John the Baptist wanted the Jewish nation to be immersed in water to symbolize a spiritual cleansing by repentance within themselves.

So when Jesus comes to be baptized, four things happened. Heavens opened up, the Spirit of God is seen with the eye, and a dove shaped figure appears, and God's voice speaks saying "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:17) Some commentators explained the significance comes from the OT. The dove identifies Jesus as the new Noah. The 40 days in the wilderness is Jesus as the new Moses, and the Voice is Jesus as the new Elijah as God spoke to him.

When the person is baptized as portrayed in Acts 2:38, He comes with repentance as John the Baptist desires in his baptism, but also with promise of the Holy Spirit as a gift from God. The reason for this baptism is be forgiven of your sins in your life. And it is the beginning of the new life as the coming of Jesus was for a new creation by God. As God was pleased that His Son did this, to be baptized, so is God's pleasure when we are baptized like Jesus was.

Our Baptism is a picture of Jesus' story - His death, burial, and resurrection as mentioned in Romans 6:1-11 But it is also a picture of putting on a garment, thereby receiving a new identification in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. All Christians agree that baptism is the entrance into Christ's kingdom, the Church, and the Spirit of God comes as a gift from God. Paul prayed for unity among Christians and baptism is one factor that can bring unity in the Church (Ephesians 4:5)

CONCLUSION: Have you been baptized like Jesus was, if not, it's not late for your actions. Amen.

Presented By: Larry L. Vollink, Cedar Springs, Mich. (616) 655-4129

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