Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Pastor John teaches us how to narrow our focus in today's media-saturated world so we can keep ourselves from being overwhelmed.

Three Foot World

Colossians Series, April 30th, 2023

Scripture: Colossians 3:1-11


I’ve been doing a lot of reading about mental health issues lately, and have noticed an uptick in the amount of people we are seeing in the ER seeking help for mental illness. 5/6 shifts in the last pay period, I had someone with a mental health issue. Depression seems to be at the top of the list lately.

Is anyone here struggling with feelings of depression lately? Being run down, emotionally or spiritually exhausted?

Maybe, even feeling like you are burned out?

If so, you’re in the right place. To many times, we think it’s ungodly to feel like this- that a Christians should feel happy, joyful, and see only puppy dogs and rainbows in every situation.

But that’s not reality.

If you read the Gospels, you’ll see that the author of our faith- the LORD Jesus had times of sorrow, of depression, and even fear. Right before he went to the cross, he said that his soul felt sorrowful, even to the point of death.

Even in the Old Testament- The prophet Daniel spoke of the days we are living in, when the spiritual power of wickedness, controlled by the spirit of the antichrist will be running freely among us.

Listen to what Daniel says about this spirit of antichrist-

Dan 7:25 NASB

'And he will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One

So if your spirit is feeling out of sorts, like suddenly in the last few years that you are living in an alternate American from some dystopian movie-

That just means your spirit is crying out because of the onslaught of evil coming upon our world.

Just this last week-

There were numerous legitimate news stories so out there that are so outrageous that I thought I was reading the National Enquirer’s website.

I had a list of them, but deleted it because some of them are so evil and disgusting….I just couldn’t do it.

All I can say is this- pray for America. We deserve God’s judgment, but pray for mercy and revival instead.

We as members of the Kingdom of God have to face the truth that there is something I fear might be irrevocably broken in our nation.

So how do we face this? How do fulfill the command of Christ to stand against the devil and his evil schemes, especially when it could start costing us something to do so?

First, I’d like to remind us.

As much as the news of the day can be depressing, I read the end of the bible.

Jesus Wins. Let me say that again- Jesus wins!

In fact, He has already won, and we are living in the tension of the Kingdom that is real, here, and present but not visibly. It’s being birthed, and just like any mother here will tell you, birth is a painful process that we all might have to experience in the near future.

Your attitude about that is telling- it shows where your true focus is. If talking about the end times fills you with fear then that shows that your focus is off a little.

This morning we are going to be exploring this a little, and I’m going to give you some hints on the kind of attitude you will need to survive and thrive what I think is coming.

Turn in your bibles to Colossian’s Chapter 3. We are going to look at the winning mindset that will help us get through what is coming.


Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.



I was reading a book by a Navy Seal, and he was teaching about a concept called “Three Foot World”- the title of today’s message.

What that means is when faced with difficult, dangerous, or impossible circumstances, focus on what you can control within three feet of where you were, and trust your teammates to do the same.

The Army teaches something similar- I just never heard it called that.

One time my light infantry unit was conducting a training exercise in which we were we were going to simulate an attack on an enemy camp.

It started with us being dropped off 25KM, or 15 miles away and then having to tactically move to the objective on foot. This was testing our ability to navigate to the objective using maps and a compass (way before GPS), and our ability to move tactically- quiet, fast providing alternating elements doing cover and movement. It looks like kind of like leapfrog- one squad covers, then the other moves, and vice versa. Now when you are quickly and quietly moving forward, hitting the ground or kneeling behind a tree for cover, and then repeating that a few times a minute with all of that gear - it’s exhausting, especially running up and down hills in the deep forest and it was raining for some of it. About ¾ of the way through, I was spent- I didn’t change my socks so my feet were covered with blisters, I was soaked and freezing cold, and just not enjoying myself.

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