
Summary: May these prayers fortify your faith and remind you that God is our refuge and fortress in times of need.


By: Rev. Rudolf E. Y. Mensah, *Acorns Oasis International Church*

**Day 5: Prayer for Protection Against Evil**

- **Supplication Prayer**: "Protect me, O God, from the snares of the enemy. Surround me with Your hedge of protection."

- **Scripture**: 2 Thessalonians 3:3 - "But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one."


As we enter Day 5 of our *7-Day Prayer and Fasting Itinerary*, we focus on seeking God's protective covering. These prayers are not merely about physical safety; they encompass safeguarding our minds, hearts, and spirits from the snares of the enemy.

We acknowledge that spiritual battles exist, and we call upon the Lord to shield us, expose deception, and keep us secure.

May these prayers fortify your faith and remind you that God is our refuge and fortress in times of need.

*7-Day Prayer and Fasting Itinerary*:

**Day 5: Additional Prayer Points for Protection Against Evil**

1. "Heavenly Father, shield me from every form of spiritual attack."

2. "I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper."

3. "Lord, frustrate the plans of the wicked and expose their schemes."

4. "Cover my mind, body, and spirit with Your divine armor."

5. "I rebuke every spirit of fear, anxiety, and oppression."

6. "May Your angels encamp around me, guarding me day and night."

7. "Let the blood of Jesus be a protective barrier over my life."

8. "I break every generational curse and evil cycle in Jesus' name."

9. "Bind any demonic forces seeking to harm me or my loved ones."

10. "Grant discernment to recognize and avoid deceptive influences."

11. "I plead the blood of Jesus over my home, family, and possessions."

12. "Lord, close any open doors that allow evil spirits to enter."

13. "I release forgiveness and refuse to harbor bitterness or resentment."

14. "May my steps be ordered by You, away from danger and harm."

15. "I declare victory over every spiritual battle through Christ."

16. "Shield my loved ones, especially children, from harm's way."

17. "Let Your light dispel darkness and confusion in my life."

18. "I renounce any ungodly alliances or soul ties."

19. "Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, empowering me to resist evil."

20. "Thank You, Lord, for being my refuge and fortress."

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