
Summary: This is the 171st sermon in the series Action". This is the 8th sermon from Ephesians.

Series: Action [#171]


Ephesians 2:19-22


Karen and I have been watching a singing show called “The Masked Singer”. This singing contest is not like most. On this contest, each singer is wearing a costume. Each week 1 singer gets voted off of the show by the audience and then they have to take their mask off. Each judge tries to guess who the singer is based off of hints given, size, sound of their voice, etc…

In the business world, identity theft is a huge issue. People pretend to be someone else, and they use their personal information to take their money, run up credit cards, etc… Over the last year, my identity has been stolen and it has made things very difficult. This morning, our text discusses the true identity of Christians.

Ephesians 2:19a

Christians are…

1. Citizens of a holy nation.

Without Christ as Savior, you are a foreigner and stranger to God; and do not belong. This describes people with few or no rights when it comes to access to God. In the Greek language, this word for stranger describes someone who is a drifter. Through Jesus Christ, you are a citizen of God’s chosen Nation; with all of the benefits of citizenship.

Ephesians 2:19b

Christians are…

2. Members of the household of God.

We are a holy family and a singular family. What do we share in common? We have access to our Father through Christ His Son. We are in God’s family.

Ephesians 2:20-22

Christians are…

3. God’s dwelling.

Paul draws a spiritual blue-print like an architect. We have a common access, a common citizenship, a common family; and now we are told that we have a common faith. Paul illustrates that common faith by using the example of a Temple building. Paul uses the illustration of a Temple and then points out the special features of a Temple. Our foundation is the apostles and prophets. Paul is making reference to their teachings concerning our common faith. The chief cornerstone was the guide stone for all building. Jesus Christ is our chief cornerstone. All other believers are built on that foundation, measuring their lives with Christ.

The chief cornerstone provides stability to the structure. In Christ, the Church has unity and a singular function. What is the point of Paul’s illustration? Paul reminds us that the Church sets its direction and forms its doctrines and its practices on the basis of the nature and character of Christ and the revelation given to the Apostles and the Prophets. All things must be correctly aligned with Christ. We are supposed to fit together in Him. Why then is it so difficult for Christians to act like 1 Nation, 1 Family, and 1 Temple?


We are the Church. We are in the world; but not of it. Christians, when people watch and listen to you; do they identify you as child of God or a fraud?

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