
Summary: Lessons the Disciples learned one night in a storm

“A Storm Story”

( Mark 4:33-41)


* The end of a very long day of teaching and other activities.

* Jesus had to deal with many issues and had been sitting in a boat while teaching a multitude of people.

* Vs 33-34 explain His teaching plan. He taught parables publicly, but he interpreted them privately to his disciples.

* The disciples had been being taught parabolically. This night Jesus would begin to teach them practically. There comes a time when listening faith must be tested to see if it is genuine. If so, it becomes a living faith.

* On this short voyage, God would teach the disciple things about Storms, Self and the Savior.

First, they learned about:

I. Storms

* Some of disciples were fishermen, familiar w/storms……some were not.

* Some in this room familiar w/storms of this life……..some are not.

A. Come unexpectedly

1. Describe physical and weather situation re: Sea of Galilee

2. No age or station of life exempts us from sudden storms.

B. Can be unrelenting

1. Wind & waves were unusually severe- even for seasoned sailors.

2. Some of us can remember a storm we thought might be too

Severe to make it through.

3. Some of you may soon enter a situation that may seem hopeless

As well as unrelenting.

C. Can be unpredictable

1. Kind and Number cannot be fore-seen.

2. Spiritual, physical, financial, relational

3. Single storms are difficult, multiple storms can be devastating

If Jesus is not onboard.

D. Can be unexplained

1. They were on the sea per Jesus command. ( In will of God)

2. There can be attacks from Satan.

They also learned things about,

II. Self-

* Whether God allows testing or Satan is attacking, stormy times

Are when we find out most about our:

A. Frailty

1. Many circumstances arise to which we are completely helpless.

2. Even the experienced sailors were overcome by severity of storm.

B. Faithlessness

1. Our extremity is Gods beginning. We can’t but he absolutely can!!

2. Faith in God and His word first (not after we have battled)

Not as a last resort.

C. Fearfulness

1. The storm w/out Jesus would have been a human tragedy.

2. The storm with Jesus was a divine display that provoked

An awe in the disciples heart: What manner of man is this!!

3. The difference between humans being afraid and a holy fear.

Lastly, they learned about:

III. The Savior-

* Things they hadn’t realized from His teaching or the previous miracles they had witnessed.

A. How powerful he was-

1. That nature obeyed him!

2. Do we grasp this about the power of God?

B. What his presence means-

1. Able to face any storm w/him on board

2. He will calm either me….or the storm….He is almighty God!

C. That his promises are kept-

1. He said they were going to the other side and they did.

2. Men may fail to keep promises or fulfill their word but God

Is able to keep what we commit to him

3. Security in Him

* This sermon was delivered to the congregation at the Donald Baptist Church on Sunday Morning, June 14th 2009. I am preaching through the book of Mark in our A.M. service. During this service a powerful thunderstorm w/70 m.p.h. winds, hail and booming thunder rumbled through providing an audio “power-point” back-drop to the message.

I couldn’t have ordered a more perfect setting J.

Till He comes,

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