
Summary: To call on the congregation to make God the Lord of their lives. To discuss the meaning of God’s Name - Adonai


Genesis 15:2

Purpose Statement: To call on the congregation to call God the Lord of their



In chapter 14, Abram has returned from battle and rescued Lot. Abram

refers to God as Lord (Jehovah) God Most High (El Elyon). But, this is the

first time he acknowledges God as Master. He was acknowledging His

ownership and authority. Some time has gone by, Abram has traveled to

Canaan, has been delivered from his enemy in battle and has seen God’s

deliverance. God then speaks to reassure him and tells him to “fear not”.

God doesn’t desire for his children to walk in fear. God is greater than

our fears.

Before I know God as El-Shaddai, the all powerful one. I must come

to know Him as Adonai. Adonai means Lord and Master. The reason we

looked at El-Shaddai first is that it is easier to call Him El-Shaddai. There are

many who know Him as God, but don’t acknowledge him as Lord. There

will be some who come to me on that day and use the word “Lord” but

practice lawlessness. (Matt 7:22-23). The lordship of God means His total

possession of me and my total submission to Him as Lord and Master.

To call God your Lord implies:

1. Possession- you acknowledge His ownership over you. (1 Cor 7:23) “You

were bought at a price.” We are created by Him and for Him (Col 1:16) We

need to know His Lordship in our talk and walk. The first reward that Abram

experienced was knowing God in His Sovereignty and Lordship. Abram had

a rich relationship with God.

At it’s core, sin is a rebellion against God’s authorship of our lives.

Have you ever seen a straight river? Canals are straight, but all rivers seem

to be crooked. We call it “meandering”. Why are rivers crooked? Because

the natural tendency of a river is to take the easiest way around any obstacle.

So rivers are always crooked, and they always run downhill. Some people

are like rivers. They are too lazy and immature to put forth much effort into

walking with God. For them it’s easier to watch T.V. than to pray and easier

to read their newspaper than their Bible.

2. Authority- He has a right to express His will over mine. I should submit

myself to God as His. James 4:7- Submit yourselves to God. I need to

realize that I will always submit myself to something. It is built within us a

desire to worship. I will either be a subject to the slavery of sin or the

bondservant of Christ.

“The signature of saving faith is a surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ.

The definitive test on whether a person belongs to Christ is a willingness to

bow to his divine authority.” MacArthur, p.235.

Num 9:23-”at the Lord’s command they encamped, and at the Lord’s

command they set out. They obeyed the Lord’s order. . . .”

How do I demonstrate that Christ is my Adonai?

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