
Summary: Not to allow other's to steal your joy and why you should be joyful.


By: C. Mason Davis

One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex staring up at the large plaque that hung in the foyer of the church. The plaque was covered with names, and small American flags were mounted on either side of it. The seven-year-old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside him, and said quietly, “Good morning, Alex.” Good morning, Pastor,” replied the young man, still focused on the plaque. “Pastor McGhee, what is this?” Alex asked. “Well, son, it’s a memorial to all the men and women who have died in the service.” Soberly, they stood together, staring at the large plaque. Little Alex’s voice was barely audible when he finally managed to ask, “Which service, the 9:00 or 10:30 service?”


James 1: 2-3; “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers’ temptations. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.”

Have you ever had a time in your life when you were happy, even if not all in your life was good or favorable? Think about times where you were happy and nothing bad or negative seemed to be going on in your life. It feels like a great life when you have no worries or stresses in your life that keep you from being happy.

Ask yourself these questions and put some deep thought into the responses to these questions. What makes you happy? What makes you unhappy? Who makes you happy? Who makes you unhappy? What causes you to worry and gives you stress? Who are the people in your life that seem to steal your joy? Are you keeping a positive attitude even when there is negativity all around you? One of the most important questions to ask yourself is, “What would Jesus do?” Are you living the life, walking the walk, and talking the talk in your life that would make Jesus proud? If not, what can you do to change? What can you do to be better, to think better, and feel better? Remember that life will give us lemons and it’s up to us, not other’s, to make lemonade out of those lemons. Something always tries to pull you down. Traffic, pain, robocalls, bills, tv, news, and somebody can bother you to the point that you lose yourself. We just need to choose to live in the way the Lord has made for us. We need to draw that line in the sand and tell ourselves not to allow anyone to steal our joy.

Today is a day that the Lord has made. Don't let anything that is happening in your life steal your joy. The more you thank God for what He has already done, the more God will change your life. In Nehemiah 8:10: "Then he said unto them, go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength." After supervising the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem after the exile, Nehemiah had the people listen to God's Word. They wept because they realized they had disobeyed God. But Nehemiah turned their hearts to rejoicing. He explained that the day of reading God's Word is holy, and the joy of the Lord is their strength. But everyone has to make the decision to put to use this joy and peace. This is a gift from God and costs you nothing. One of the most dynamic ways to keep our joy is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in the way we should go. Proverbs 16:9 says: “A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.”

Make the decision every morning that “I will be joyful today." When you’re tempted to get upset, remind yourself that you have the power to remain calm. Keep your joy. This day is a gift. Honor God by living it with a grateful heart and to the fullest.

Do not allow negative people to steal your joy. It is important to understand that you should not allow anyone to take control of your life. Too often, we start living our lives, just as others want us to live! You need to understand that it is none other than you who should be having control of your life. You are going to decide what makes you happy, and what makes you sad. Never allow negative people to steal your joy. You might find it difficult to counter such people in your life, but you have no other choice but to do so.

It is your happiness that allows you to stay strong, so make sure that you are able to hold on to it. You should never allow someone else to steal your joy. One widow lived with worries and doubt in the time of the kings of Israel. Read about it in 1 Kings 17:1-9. This widow collected sticks to build a fire and prepare her last meal for her son and herself. She had no hope or joy left. God sent Elijah to her and caused a miracle of endless flour and oil. She listened to Elijah's directions and God's promise. She experienced a miracle. Sometime later, her son stopped breathing. She only had hope in Elijah. She cried out to him, and he prayed, and God restored her son. The woman finally believed, "Now I know that you are a man of God and the word of the Lord from your mouth is true." When your happiness is your strength, it is the one thing that keeps you going! Your happiness will attract detractors who want nothing more to make happy people feel as bad as they do. When you trouble your heart with worries and doubt, you are left with no direction in your life and that is going to affect you in the long run.

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