
Summary: Proof that all animals do go to heaven.


By: C. Mason Davis

A German Shepherd, Doberman and an Irish Setter have died. All three are faced with God, who wants to know what they believe in. The German shepherd says, “I believe in discipline training and loyalty to my master.” “Good,” says God. “Then sit down on my right side. Doberman, what do you believe in?” The Doberman answers, “I believe in the love, care and protection of my master.” “Ah, yes,” said Go and “You may sit to my left.” Then he looks at the Irish Setter and asks, “And what do you believe in?” The Irish Setter ponders its answers for a few extra seconds, then answers, “I believe you’re sitting in my seat.”


Revelation, 19:11-14, “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but He himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.”

Are you ready for some good news? Dogs go to heaven. It’s in the Bible. Psalm 36:6. Yes, dogs go to heaven. Are there any dog lovers here? We should have known this because Jesus is said to be coming back on a white horse. There are animals there. The lion will lay down with the lamb. Yep, there are animals there. Cats go to hell, but I can’t help that, I didn’t write the Bible. No, I’m just kidding. I know all animals go to heaven, even cats. They all go to heaven. I really do believe that. There is proof in the Bible which I’ll reveal. I also think that every chicken that I ever ate is going to be there waiting for me, too. The thought of that kind of makes me nervous. I’m sure I’m going to be having some nightmares now about the “Revenge of the chickens” that’s to come on the other side of the Pearly Gates. But I’m telling you that for sure, your dog, cat, horse, even snake will be there in heaven to greet you. If you’re not so sure they’ll remember you or remember how much they love you, it’ll all come back to you in a heartbeat. Our pets mean so much to us that when we do accidentally hurt them it just breaks our hearts. We can be as sorry as possible, but it’s okay. They don’t hold a grudge at all. We’ll scoop them up in our arms, apologize a lot using a baby voice. But if that person accidently steps on the toe of a spouse, they’re like: “Oh, stop whining about it and stay out of the way. You’re grown up, so act like it." But when it comes to the pets, you’re hugging and kissing them for hurting them and they’re most likely licking your foot or hands as you console them. What better as an example can we possibly have they’re going to heaven than how they react to console us when they’re hurt. Now, that’s a Christian. I can prove to you that your dog acts more Christian-like than we do. How many of you here have a wife and a dog? How? When you get home, get your wife and your dog, put them in the trunk of your car, then come back in an hour to let them out and see who’s glad to see you. It sure isn’t going to be the wife, it’ll be the happy, tail-wagging Christian.

“What does the Bible say about animals going to heaven?” The Bible does not directly say anything about animals going to heaven, but there’s proof throughout the Bible. The fact is animals go to heaven. Animals have souls. But Scripture also tells us Jesus did not come to save animals—he came to save man. Why? Because animals do not sin. The first paradise, the first heaven, the Garden of Eden was filled with every kind of animal imaginable, and God declared those animals “good.” Therefore, the second heaven – in the afterlife will be filled with every kind of animal, too. Thus, it does appear from that passage that there are horses in heaven, as well as all animals. God also declares He will save humans and animals alike. Now that is the true definition of universal salvation. In scripture from Isaiah 11:6, “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.” That’s right, there will be animals in the new heaven and the new earth. Just look at the word “animal” itself. The word animal comes from word “anima” which means “soul.” There it is in the very meaning of their name. Animals have souls!

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