
Summary: In our passage Jesus answers five of life’s most important questions. The answers of Jesus to these questions are of profound value so much so that if we accept and believe them our life here on earth and in eternity will be greatly affected! Yes, the Lor

Intro: In our passage Jesus answers five of life’s most important questions like: What is the purpose of life? Am I valuable? Who is my provider? Who controls my destiny? What am I responsible for? The answers of Jesus to these questions are of profound value so much so that if we accept and believe them our life here on earth and in eternity will be greatly affected! Yes, the Lord has answers to all our questions. We shall now take up five of them:

FIRST, Jesus answers the question, “What is the purpose of life?” (v.25). As humans we all eat, drink and sleep in order to live, but we do not live to just eat, drink and sleep! We need to be careful that we do not confuse what we must do to stay alive with the real reason why we are here on earth (Luke 12:15). One reason why Jesus came was to clarify our purpose in life. He summed up life’s purpose in John 17:3. In other words, the purpose of life is to progress in a personal knowledge of God and Christ. To get a good education so we can get a good job so we can have enough money to buy a house and all so you can live at ease, but in the end die without ever achieving the purpose for which we were created, is like filling gasoline into the fuel tank and then leaving the car idle until the tank empties and the engine stops running (John 10:10). To live a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God through Christ is life’s purpose.

SECOND, Jesus answers the question, “Am I valuable?” (vv. 26-27). Society has destroyed the value of human life by incorrectly defining the origin of life. Our schools are trying to build right self-esteem into the curriculum because they recognize that today’s youth are suffering from lack of self-worth. What our present schools do not realize is that they themselves have destroyed the right sense of human worth by teaching Evolution (or devil-illusion). Students are being brainwashed that humans, like viruses or bacteria, have evolved out of nothing or chance happening. The Bible on the other hand tells us we were originally made in God’s image. We are most valuable than the rest of God’s creation (Gen. 1:27). However, when Adam sinned, he and the rest of mankind lost the image of God, died spiritually, and were separated from God (Rom. 5:12). Yet even though man ignored the God who made him, God was willing to pay a high price, the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, to win us back (Isa. 1:18).

THIRD, Jesus answers the question, “Who is my real provider?” (vv. 28-30). Your boss, business, company, or government is not your real provider. They are channels of God’s provision. The God who gave us life, purpose and value, also gave us what we need to stay alive. Yes, you earn money to buy food and services using your brain, hands and feet. But let me ask who gave you your brain, hands and feet? Who created the cattle, rice, fruits and vegetables that you bought with your income – God of course! That is why Christians pray before meals to acknowledge that God is their true Provider (Phil. 4:19; Psa. 37:25)!

FOURTH, Jesus answers the question, “Who controls my destiny?” (vv. 31-33). Who controls your destiny? People who don’t know God as Father live as though they are the captain of their own ship and holder of their own destiny. Their philosophy in life is “eat, drink and be merry…” That’s the pagan’s way – sailing through the sea of life without the Lord as your captain! But a true Christian is likened to a ship whose Captain is Jesus! Being in charge of our own destiny without God as guide in our lives is like crossing a busy intersection blindfolded! We might get across to the other side without being hit, but we’ll find that we have arrived at the wrong side! (II Tim. 1:12)!

FIFTH, Jesus answers the question, “What am I responsible for?” (v. 34). The Bible doesn’t teach the “wheel of fortune” or the belief that life is predetermined. The Bible teaches that God controls every event in life but He gives freedom with responsibility to mankind. This means we have the freedom to choose and act on our own but are responsible for the outcome of all our decisions in life. God created us and made us accountable creatures. We are accountable for ALL our present actions in the future when we meet our Creator face to face. Are you ready to meet God? We are accountable for what we THINK (I Cor. 4:5), SAY (Matt. 12:36) or DO (Gal. 6:7-8) See also Luke 8:17.

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