
Summary: We all know God has a plan for us but do we know the enemy also have a plan for you? A plan to devour you. In this sermon we'll see how to avoid enemy’s plan.

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2 Peter 2:1

1 False prophets appeared in the past among the people, and in the same way false teachers will appear among you. They will bring in destructive, untrue doctrines, and will deny the Master who redeemed them, and so they will bring upon themselves sudden destruction. (GNT)

This verse warns us about false teachers that will appear, Sad part is these teachers won’t come from outside but from among us. They will be used by the enemy to deceive believers with:

- Destructive, untrue doctrines

- And to deny the master who redeemed them

The result of this will be sudden destruction.

We need to be aware of false teachers and their ways of deceiving us.

2 Peter 2:1, Informs us how false teacher will appear among us with new teachings to create confusion.

1 Corinthians 14:33

33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.


- Who to follow?

In 1 Corinthians 3:4

4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?

1 Corinthians 3:4, we see here how people got into confusion of who to follow?

People were creating division by saying I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos.

It was possible in future they could get deceived easily by their action of choosing between which teacher/Church /Pastor they follow.

Paul puts it this way to help us understand,

in Corinthians 3:9

9 For we are partners working together for God, and you are God's field. You are also God's building. (GNT)

Here Paul says for myself and Apollos are working together with God and you're Gods fields and building.

Meaning there are pastors/ teachers who work together with God to build buildings on the fields that is the church members.

1 Corinthians 3:10

10 Using the gift that God gave me, I did the work of an expert builder and laid the foundation, and someone else is building on it. But each of you must be careful how you build. (GNT)

Paul moves on saying I have done the job of laying the foundation and someone else is building on it, meaning Apollos is building.

Paul also says BUT, meaning the church members need to be alert who is building on them.

By saying "one must be careful how you build".

Paul was highlighting here about the builders you build with, meaning the pastors/teachers.

Cause there are:

- Pastors / teachers who work with God

- Pastors / teachers who work with the Enemy

When Paul saw, people were trying to divide themselves. He knew I need to alert the people to be careful.

It's important for the people to choose the builder who works with God.

Because the builder that's not working with God, will have problem with the foundation and will try his best to remove it from your life.

1 Corinthians 3:11

11 For God has already placed Jesus Christ as the one and only foundation, and no other foundation can be laid. (GNT)

Here Paul makes it clear that there cannot be any other foundation but only Jesus’ cause God Himself have made Jesus as the only foundation.

Why enemy is after the foundation?

1 Corinthians 3:12 -15

12 Some will use gold or silver or precious stones in building on the foundation; others will use wood or grass or straw. 13 And the quality of each person's work will be seen when the Day of Christ exposes it. For on that Day fire will reveal everyone's work; the fire will test it and show its real quality. 14 If what was built on the foundation survives the fire, the builder will receive a reward. 15 But if your work is burnt up, then you will lose it; but you yourself will be saved, as if you had escaped through the fire. (GNT)

In this verse it shows that the buildings will be tested and if a building pass the builder will get a reward, But if a building fails the builder won’t get a reward but will be saved cause the foundation is still there. That is Jesus.

looking at this verse it makes it very clear that the enemy's eyes isn't on the building cause if the building fails the person is still saved. And the enemy knows this very well.

Enemy knows in order to completely destroy you he needs to attack the foundation; He needs to separate you from Jesus.

The way he does this is by:

1- First entering in the midst of you in sheep's clothing.

Matthew 7:15

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

2- Teach you destructive, untrue doctrine.

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