
Summary: Sometimes we let our everyday life get in the way of reaching others for Christ.

This week our nation will be remembering that tragic day September 11, 2001 when thousands died as the twin towers came tumbling down in New York City.

? What has the church learned through the experience of 911?

That tragedies cause people to search for God.

„h But a church that is not willing to get out of its comfort zone will not reap the benefits.

„h The only churches that benefited were the ones that were willing to ¡§go¡¨.

„h ¡§Go out of their comfort zone¡¨ (could be out into the streets, or out of their routine, or taking the word to work or wherever the unsaved are.

The fact is that:

„h Little has changed. Most Christians do not go to others with the Gospel.

„h Some have fallen into a ¡§corporate Christianity trap¡¨ (our Christianity is confined to the church).

„h We are so busy with our schedules that we forget soulwinning.

„h We are more concerned with keeping the church full than winning new souls for the kingdom.

Reasons why people don¡¦t ¡§Go¡¨:

1. Setting the wrong priorities.

You have;

1st category, socializing; parties, sports, diners, someone¡¦s birthday, visitors from up north.

2nd category, Self-improvement; Working on the house, the yard, the car, work, school, etc.

Oh! And then ¡§of course the things of the kingdom, if there is time!¡¨

Things that are good crowd out the most important thing which is; ¡§Doing the work of the kingdom¡¨

2. Apathy or having no real interest in winning souls or the needs of others.

„h (This is called; ¡§LOOKING OUT FOR #1¡¨).

3. Fear.

„h What will I say?

„h What will others say?

„h How will others react?

„h I don¡¦t feel qualified!

How to overcome the obstacles;

1. Set your priorities in order.

„h Jesus said in Matt. 6:33; ¡§seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you¡¨

„h What are the things that will be added? The good things in life (look at matt.6: 28-33 and 7:7-11).

2. Realize what the worth of a soul is to God. (look at matt.16:26-27)

3. Soul winning demands urgency and patience.

„h Jesus said; ¡§Follow me and I will make you fishers of men¡¨. Fishing demands patience, diligence, and commitment.

4. Don¡¦t fear.

„h Jesus said; ¡§And surely I am with you always, to the very ends of the age¡¨

„h The Holy Spirit will tell you what to say

„h Speak of your experience with the Lord.


We have learned;

That we each have a responsibility to ¡§go¡¨

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