
Summary: Part 13 of a series looking at the Extra Ordinary Man Jesus.

We've looked at the Origins of Jesus, His Humility, Birth, perfect Life , radical Teachings, Death and Resurrection and what affect they have on our lives, and to finish this study we must have to ask the question:

'If death couldn't hold Jesus, where is He today?'

Some religions would say 'Well, He was a Holy Man, not God, but a Holy Man so His body is probably in the ground but His spirit will be with the Lord'

The Mormons would say 'as a man who became God, He would have got His own planet and a wife who is eternally pregnant, populating their planet'

A Jehovah Witness would say 'His body didn't rise from the dead but His spirit did and returned to rule the earth in 1914, and has since been ruling on the earth through the Watch Tower magazine'

A Muslim may say 'Well, He didn't die on the cross and rise again, maybe He was taken up into heaven like Enoch and Elijah'

An Orthodox Jew would say 'He's in the ground! He died and His bones are buried somewhere in the Middle East'

And sadly, in 1985 a group of Christians scholars, about 150, formed something called the Jesus Seminar, and when asked 'Where is Jesus Now?' would say 'He died on a cross, thrown in a ditch and was eaten by dogs, and His bones are still there today!'

But, a careful study of the Bible and the words of Jesus Himself, our main verse today we are told, Jesus tells us 'I came from the Father and entered the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.'

Which, we are told in Acts 1, is in heaven.

But more than that, in Mark 16:19 we are told that Jesus was 'taken up into heaven and seated at the right hand of God'; 'glorified in the presence of God with the glory He had before the world began' (John 17:5)

And do you remember that glory?? Remember the first sermon in this series? Remember that picture Isaiah saw of Jesus?

'I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. [2] Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. [3] And one called to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!"'

High and lifted up! The King of kings and Lord of all, reigning and ruling over ALL things! Everything that is in existence under His authority!! Kings and kingdoms, angels and demons, powers and dominions, the sun, moon and stars! Everything you can think of is under His authority!

As we see in the life of Jesus, water into wine, storms cease, a fig tree withered, the sick healed and the dead brought back to life!

And that's where Jesus is again!!! Glorified again with the glory He had before! Exalted to that place of authority at the right hand of God! Ruling and reigning! The earth and everything else at His feet!

And as we read through the book of Revelation we see more of a picture of Jesus. Let's read a few verses from Revelation 19:11-16

This is our Jesus now! When you think upon Him, this is the picture you need to have in your head. When you pray, this is the Jesus you are praying to! When your facing problems or persecution or attacks from the other team THIS is the Jesus who is on our side!!!

Those pictures we see in churches and in books, that's 'Humble Jesus'. That's the Jesus who laid aside everything, clothed Himself in humanity came into history with a mission to redeem mankind by offering Himself as the Perfect Sacrifice for sin on the cross.

He did it, He rose from the dead, and ascended back into heaven to be exalted and glorified with the glory He had before!

Yes, remember His sacrifice! Yes, remember ALL that he did to save you, but also remember that He is back to His exalted state! The Commander of the Army of the Lord, eyes like a blazing fire, a sword in His mouth, His robe dipped in blood. King of kings!

There is no better, none greater, nothing is going to stop Him!!!

This is our God! This is our Lord! This is our Saviour! This is the one who loves us so much He gave His life for us! This is the One who invites us to pray to Him, to bring all our prayers and supplications to Him! This is the One who has conquered everything!

And he's coming back! He's coming to get you! He's coming to take you where He is now!

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