
Summary: God is a full-fledged Father filled with emotion who longs for me to come into alignment with His heart so that He can lavish His extravagant affection on me. His Word is the pathway to this experience.

Fascinated By The Word – Proverbs 2:1

Intro.: Most people see God as a stoic, detached Being that silently watches humanity from far away. The truth is that He is a full-fledged Father filled with emotion and who longs for, loves and even desires me and who patiently waits for me to come into alignment with His heart so that He can lavish His extravagant affection on me. So how do we read the Bible differently? How do we set ourselves up, practically speaking, for encounters in the Word?

I. Meditation: deep study & dialogue with the Living Word

A. The “suddenlies” of God

NOTE: How many of you have had a scripture verse that you have read many times, “leap” off of the page? Until this experience, you couldn’t teach or explain that verse if your life depended on it.

1. When a verse jumps out at you, you are getting revelation!

2. You get a “sudden” understanding of the verse

3. This is the Holy Spirit telling you to stop, look, listen and

encounter the reality of the insight revealed in the verse

4. The Holy Spirit leads us into revealed truth (John 16:13)

when we talk to Him about the verse

5. Your spirit receives the life-giving power of the word from

the Holy Spirit

NOTE: When we learn to receive from our spirit, our mind becomes the student and is therefore subject to the Holy Spirit.

B. How does this sudden revelation of scripture affect you?

1. What thoughts or emotions does it evoke?

2. Ask the Holy Spirit questions about the verse

3. Ask God what’s in His heart concerning the verse

a. “Why is this vs leaping out at me at this particular time?”

EX.: This week I have been meditating on the last couple of phrases of John 16:13, “…Whatever [the Holy Spirit] hears, He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.”

RESPONSE: “Holy Spirit, tell me what You are hearing” and “Tell me things to come.”

C. Now, it’s time to stop talking and simply commune with the

Holy Spirit over our questions or requests

NOTE: The Spirit inside has birthed these questions and prayer, so it’s time to listen and wait for Him to give me understanding.

NOTE: This is not a “let-your-mind-wander” time, it is a critical time to stay “engaged” with the Lord

1. This is the place the Spirit will breathe revelation into you

2. He will impart truth to your spirit that will transform and

awaken your understanding of the truth contained in the verse.

NOTE: The revelation you receive when you meditate on the Word of God will change your understanding of God and your relationship with Him. This is one thing that will keep you from spiritual stagnation.

II. The last thing I want to touch on is moving from “meditation” on

the Word to “contemplation” on the Word.

A. Meditation is initiated by us

B. Contemplation is initiated by the Holy Spirit

NOTE: Meditation happens when we draw eternity into this realm. Contemplation happens when the Holy Spirit draws us into the heavenly realm

1. Contemplation brings us into a deep place of fellowship

2. Silence before the Lord is a significant part of contemplation.

NOTE: Nothing will cause you to feel more separated and protected from the effects of the things of this world than a God initiated silence.

3. In contemplation, God reveals more of His beauty & majesty

4. He more deeply penetrates out souls with His truth

Concl.: One way to experience the unspeakable joy available to believers is to meditate or “soak” in God’s Word.

i.e. to “marinate” or to become “saturated” - READ: Psalm 1:1-3

• Let’s stop reading the Bible in order to feel good about meeting our obligation to God.

• What would our lives be like if we actually met with God every day during our quiet time.

• 1st, I bet that we would actually HAVE quiet time every day…

• We would look forward to these life-filled God encounters

• The promise of bearing fruit and prospering to those that meditate on God’s Word is massive. It may be fundamental to awakening the Church in this hour.

• Let’s experience a fresh experience of meditation and contemplation in God’s Word and encounter the depth of His heart as He has longed for us to.

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