
Summary: Jesus walked on water ,we should to.

Getting out of the Boat by A.R.Smith This is one of the most important verses in scripture for me, Matthew 14:24-32. Getting out of the Boat, This may not sound like a normal service, but I think its time Christians got out of the boat. Matthew states, And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. Can you imagine it, Jesus, by Himself, in the middle of the sea, walking as we walk on dry land. The deciples were afraid, but here goes Peter. Funny thing ,if you look at Peter in scripture, hes always getting himself into trouble. After Jesus, identified Himself, Peter says, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.Can you just imagine what the other deciples were saying at this particular moment. Pretend with me ,that were on the boat and listining to there conversation. Peter, what in the world ,do you think your doing, get back here. Luke, talk some sense into him, John, the waters are deep here, the winds are blowing, its dark, we wont be able to see him ,well enough to pull him back in. Peter, its safe on the boat, stay with us. Sound familiar. Its safe on the boat. Peter did sink, but Jesus was there to pull him back up. Its safe on the boat, that was the cry then and thats the cry now. My frends, Im here to say, Get out of the boat.We go where Jesus is, we follow the Good Shepard and His voice is the only one we follow. Lets get out of the boat, its sinking, its a form of religion that everyone says is safe. It doesnt, cause waves it doesnt cause people to think about their way of life, Its a form of religion thats sinking. Jesus is on the water, lets go to Him, our savior, our strength, our life. I know what your thinking,I dont understand what hes saying, remember the boat that they were on, it was a fishing boat, it was made of wood and pitch and tar, it was made by man. Compair that to todays church, its changeing its evolving its, its afraid of makeing waves, its made by man.Its sinking fast, the Bible indicates, that in the end times, there will be a type of one world church, look at revelations, a church of hot and cold christians, thats what Im talking about. Jesus asked, Will there be faith on the earth when I return? Well, Will there?Lets go to Matthew 16:1-3, The Pharisses also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired Him that He would show them a sign from Heavan. He answered and said unto them. When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather for today the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can decern thye face of the sky, but can ye not discern the signs of the times? Children, brothers and sisters, its time to get out of the boat. We hafe to get out of the boat of indifference. The same service, the same songs, the same prayers, the same message and then take up an offering, then go to the Golden Corral for dinner. What is wrong with the church? Whats happened to the shout, the revivles, the Holy Ghost Revivles, the Baptisms, down at the river with so many people being baptised that it took two or three pastors to get everyone baptised?Indeference. Thats what happened. My Dad and Mother were on vacation in southern Florida a number of years back and came upon a pretty good sised Church to go to. Dad, after the service, went to the Pastor and asked him, I didnt here any one testify, is it O.K. if my wife and I do. The Pastor look at my parents for a moment and said, What do you meen, testify? My Dad was shocked, He told the Pastor., Its telling other people What Jesus and God had done for them.. The Pastor look at Dad again and said, I guess it would be alright, but we dont normally do that here. My frends, isnt it time to get out of the boat, like Peter and start walking on faith, start telling the world what God has done for you, Let Jesus know that there will be faith on this earth when He returnes. Lets get out of the Boat and tell Jesus and the world., Well be here on the water, for Jesus wants us out of the Boat. Thank you.

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