
Summary: Nicky Cruz turns with almost spitting anger, twisted and bitter from the abuse of cigarette burns on his body and scarred physical beatings he had from his childhood’ Get out of my face or I will cut you up’ Nicky was never loved by his parents, a voodoo

Many need some fresh water on their faces. Jesus is saying to you, I’ve saved your life, it cost me mine..PLEASE STOP, GO, SIN NO MORE. My friends, let’s not displease the heart of God. Jesus didn’t just come and die a cruel death for nothing, his purpose was for us to be free from the hand of the devil. He did it in a way that wasn’t’s simple..if you want to live in liberty..then stop, take up your cross and follow me. Many were stopped in their stride. Jesus looked out for those that needed Him most. Remember little Zaccharias on the sycamore tree, Jesus felt his need as all the crowd were around him, ‘ He just looked up, ‘ Come down, Come down, today I’m going to stay at your place’ as people moaned and complained that Jesus decided to be with a tax payer, Jesus just saw His need..that man changed by the power of his love. He had no friends, was hated and caused many people to go bankrupt and yet Jesus had to meet him so he could realise His Sin. ‘Jesus, I will give back to the poor, and if I have defrauded anyone, I will pay them back 4 times over’ wow, what a change!

Mark 9:42-48

This is an amazing passage, if your habit, your weakness, a fortress is causing you to sin, cut it off!

Is it worth losing your soul for? You see a man and a woman can have the whole world to their feet but if you end up losing heaven then what have you gained?

We must choose to be in daily relationship that confesses and STOPS sinning against a loving God. It’s Spiritual, you must fight you problems with the word of God, you must have your shield ready, which is your faith to believe that you will be changed by the Power of Jesus’ Love. Are you ready to say NO to the devil and Yes to Jesus again. Don’t lose your soul, be attracted to a pure, and dignified passion for Jesus.

Jesus I love you, I’m sorry for

allowing weaknesses take control

As you died, the power of your love changed lives.

I come back to the cross to be set free

You gave everything to bring me back to you

All I pray now, is to be more like you

Change me Jesus, wash me and set me free.

Surround yourself with scripture, LET HIS WORDS BE SONGS OF DELIVERANCE AROUND YOU.

Remember, if the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.

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