
Summary: 1. We must make sure the messages we hear are true (vs. 17-18). 2. We must strive to overcome our selfishness (vs. 18). 3. We must keep growing in godly wisdom (vs. 19). 4. We must believe Jesus will give us the victory (vs. 20).

God's Sure Way to Win in Life

The Book of Romans

Romans 16:17-20

Sermon by Rick Crandall

(Prepared January 30, 2022)


*Please open your Bibles to Romans 16:17. Here Paul is very close to the end of his letter to the Christians in Rome. And in today's Scripture he shows us how to win the spiritual battles of life. Please think about this as we read vs. 17-20.


*Some people are a whole lot more competitive than others. but everybody likes to win. Of course, some crooked athletes throw games, and sometimes parents let their children win a game. That's understandable, but most everybody plays to win. You will never hear an NFL player going to the Super Bowl say, "Man, I hope we lose that game tomorrow!"

*Everybody wants to be a winner. And here Paul tells us how to win in the most important way. He tells us how to win the spiritual battles of life.


*We must make sure that the sermons we hear measure up to the truth of God's Word. This is the lesson for us in vs. 17-18, where Paul said:

17. Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.

18. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.

*In vs. 17, Paul is strongly urging us to pay close attention to the messages we hear. And there is passion in his voice. The word picture behind the original word for "urge" is loudly calling out to people.

*Paul is begging us to pay careful attention so we can avoid preachers who preach unbiblical messages. In vs. 17, Paul urges us to "note them." The KJV tells us to "mark them." The original Greek word is "skopeo."

*That's where we get words like "telescope" and "microscope." But the idea here is more like a hunter scoping out his target. That's the kind of attention God wants us to have when we listen to sermons. And the reason why in vs. 18 is because "smooth words and flattering speech" can "deceive the hearts of the simple."

*The original word for "simple" here doesn't mean "simple-minded," or "ignorant" as we might use it. This word means an "innocent one." And this same word was only used one other place in the New Testament. There, the word is translated as "harmless," and it's talking about Jesus Christ. It's Hebrews 7:26, where God's Word says, "For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, HARMLESS, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens."

*Paul's point here in vs. 18 is that even godly, innocent people can be led astray, -- if we don't make sure the messages that we hear are true.


*In vs. 18, Paul warns us about "smooth" or "good" words in the KJV. Paul also warns us about "flattering" or "fair" speech because these things can deceive God's people. In other words: Watch out for smooth talk and glowing words of praise. Yes, Romans 13:7 tells us to give "honor to whom honor" is due, and we should. But we have to watch out for flattery or sweet talk, because these things can lead us astray.


*False teachers have been highly successful in our country over the last 60 years. Belief in God and the Bible as the true Word of God has radically declined.

*The Family Research Council reported Barna research showing that from 1991 to 2021, belief in the existence of the all-knowing, all-powerful, perfect Creator God has dropped from 86% to 46%. Belief that the Bible is the reliable Word of God has dropped from 70% to 41%. And only 35% of America's young adults believe in the existence of the true and living God. (1)

*But even if 99.99% percent of people believe in a lie, it is still a lie! So, what matters is not the beauty, and it’s not the popularity.


*Is the message true to the Bible? That's what matters, because God's Word is ever true. It's completely true forever. Psalm 119:89 says, "Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled (or established) in heaven." And in Matthew 24:35 Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away."

*Whenever I counsel people about joining a church, I tell them to look for two things: Look for a church where the people love each other with Christ-like love. And look for a church that believes the Bible is the Word of God.

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