
Summary: As we continue to preach about the attributes of God, we want to consider His orderliness.

We all know some people:

-Who have TOTAL ORDER in their lives. They live their lives according to the motto, "Everything has a place and everything must be in its place." For example,

Illus: A man who operates a small engine repair shop in Columbia, South Carolina had a good business and it amazes people that he can work with so many little greasy engines and still keep his shop so clean and in order. Every nut and screw has its place and it is usually in its container and he keeps his hands and clothes clean. In fact, he is so organized that when he needs anything he can go instantly to where it is located and find it.

Then we know others:

-Who have TOTAL DISORDER in their lives and they spend about half of their time trying to find things that are covered under the different heaps that have accumulated over the years.

I mention these two kinds of people to point out to you that "God is a God of order." If you do not know this, you do not know the God of the Bible.

Every day God runs this universe and three-hundred-sixty-five days a year everything is precise.

Illus: If God was like some today who are not orderly, he would be saying,

• "Oh no, I forgot to hang the sun out today!"

• "Now where did I put all those stars?"

• "It is spring and I have not made the first flower bloom. I'm just going to have to skip spring this year!"

But the God of the Bible is not that way at all. We live every day with perfect confidence, knowing every day everything is under His complete control.

Illus: It is because of this that man is able to make the mathematical computations to guide space vehicles to the moon and other destinations in outer space. The scientists know that somewhere there is a God, some of them call Him a force, that keeps everything under complete control.

WHY IS IT SIGNIFICANT that we come to understand that God is a God of order?

Because the more we become like Him, the more our lives will become orderly, instead of being in disarray! For example:

Illus: The church in Corinth was in total disarray. It was famous for confusion and chaos, so Paul wrote to them and said that, "...God is not the author of confusion, but of peace..."

That is, Paul was saying that the devil was causing the confusion in the Corinthian church and if their lives reflected the God of the Bible, they would have been in order, not in disarray!

In other words, all the confusion they had was not from God. Their testimony and their lives were a disgrace to the kingdom of God. Paul was telling them that their lives did not exemplify the Lord Jesus, instead they were bringing glory to Satan, who is the author of confusion!

When God's people's lives exemplify disorder they give a false impression of what God is like. God is not the author of disarray. Christians have let the devil trick them into getting their lives so muddled and cluttered up that no one could ever tell that the God they serve is a God of order.

Illus: We all have the same amount of hours in a day to live our lives. Those who serve the God of order and have their lives in order, serve the Lord every day. But, some who claim to know the God of order have taken on too many things and they do not have time to serve the Lord. They really do not and they are literally killing themselves as they try to keep up with all the things that they have allowed Satan to put into their lives. Their lives are in total disarray.

Let me show you what I mean. There are several ways the devil has cleverly brought disorder to the lives of believers.


God's Word tells us that when God looked down and saw Adam alone in the Garden of Eden, and in Genesis 2:18 it is recorded that He said, "...It is not good that the man should be alone..."

What inspired the God of heaven to say such a thing?

One thing - evidently when he saw Adam in the Garden of Eden alone He felt he was not complete. He said, "...I will make him an helpmeet for him." In His wisdom, he created marriage.

When you see all the messed up marriages in this land you would think it was the BIGGEST MISTAKE God ever made when He made woman for man. Why? We see a lot of confusion in the lives of millions, and most of them will tell you that confusion comes from their marriage. But, I remind you, when God saw Adam, lonely in the garden, He stated, "...It is not good that the man should be alone." Not only is that a spiritual fact, it is a scientific fact, even physically that it is not good that man should be alone.

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