
Summary: Jesus is great because of Who He is, what He has done, and the Kingdom He rules.

"He Will Be Great" Luke 1:32

Scripture reading Luke 1:26-32

INTRO.: Tell story of annunciation to Mary.

John 1 speaks of the preexistence of Christ and tells us He was with the Father in the beginning and that He was the Word by which the universe was created. We are told the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. What we celebrate at Christmas is not so much a birth as an incarnation. God became flesh and lived among His creation. Mary was the agent through which God prepared a body that was later to be sacrificed for the sins of the world.

Mary was told "He will be great." It is very doubtful she had any idea how great He would be or the extent of His influence on the human race.

The statement "He will be great may be the understatement of all time.

I. Consider how He was born:

A. Certainly, He was no ordinary son of any ordinary man:

1. His impact on human life and history is too great to assume this.

2. He claimed to be one with God. The Jews knew what He meant. John 10:30, 31.

3. He reveals God’s will perfectly. Heb. 1:1, 2

B. His mother was a virgin:

1. Mary’s own testimony. Luke 1:34, 35. She immediately visited a priest, Zachariah. He would have condemned her to death under ordinary circumstances.

2. Joseph knew the baby was not his. Mt. 1:19

3. We have the word of angels who spoke to Joseph, and Mary.

4. Prophets expected a virgin birth. Isa. 7:14

5. Mary watched Him die because He claimed to be God’s son. What mother would not have confessed?

C. Our only conclusion is He is the only begotten of God, as He claimed:

1. Not a "child of God" in any ordinary sense.

2. John 1:1-4 - God, Word, Creator, Light, Life. Could be no one but God.

3. John 1:14. Great because of who He is.

II. He came to reconcile men to God:

A. Man was created perfect and eternal in the Garden of Eden.

1. Sin separated him from God.

2. Since that time men and women have wandered farther away from God.

3. Isa. 59:1, 2 - Sin continues to separate us because our God is perfect and will not tolerate sin in His presence.

B. To reconcile mankind, He must destroy evil: Poverty, war, crime, deceit, etc. I John 3:8

1. Evil must be destroyed at its root - selfishness in the heart of man.

2. Like the dandelion, it must be uprooted.

3. The root of all evils is sin. It must be removed from the heart and life of a man.

4. The influence of sin is great but because of His death and resurrection, Jesus has greater power.

C. He came to save His people from sin. Matt. 1:21

1. He did many other things but this was the goal for His coming.

2. This is why He gave His life unselfishly on Calvary.

3. He is great because of what He does.

III. He came to rule an everlasting Kingdom:

A. We often judge a business by its age.

1. The older it is the more secure we consider it to be.

2. By this standard alone, Jesus’ Kingdom is worth investing our lives. It is secure.

3. An everlasting Kingdom. Isa. 9:7

B. It is a worldwide Kingdom.

1. No political boundaries or systems can keep it out.

2. Like leaven in a loaf, it will influence the whole world.

3. Before the throne of God there will be people from every language, race, and tribe. Rev. 7:9

C. The Kingdom of God is unique in other ways:

1. A spiritual kingdom in the hearts of men. The only acceptable obedience is from the heart.

2. Kingdom of love where every subject seeks the good of others.

3. Righteous Kingdom where every subject willingly lives up to a high moral standard.

CONC.: At Christmas time we celebrate the coming of the greatest man ever to walk the earth. We need to live lives of obedience and trust that express the greatness of the One we serve. Pattern our lives after His will. Remember and imitate the devotion of Mary, who said "I am the Lord’s servant." Luke 1:38

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