
Summary: Our nation is on moral decline. God will continue to bless America and bring healing to our land only if we continue to seek Him.

But we are not to become ARROGANT thinking that we are BETTER than other COUNTRIES and other PEOPLES. Furthermore, we are not to think that we have become a GREAT NATION by our own POWER and STRENGTH, nor to think that we are INVINCIBLE—that we could never FALL.

2. God has always DETESTED a PRIDEFUL HEART—a HAUGHTY SPIRIT—whether it is within INDIVIDUALS or within a NATION.

a. “PRIDEFULNESS” or “HAUGHTY EYES” is listed first on God’s HATE LIST- Prov. 6:16.

b. Listen to what God says about a prideful NATION- Obadiah 1:1-4 (READ and COMMENT)

3. The remedy is to HUMBLE ourselves before God.

a. James 4:6b- “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

b. James 4:10- “Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.”


Only as long as our NATION’S LEADERS and we as CITIZENS of this great country HUMBLE ourselves before Almighty God and BOW to Him as the KING of kings, will AMERICA continue to be GREAT.


1. AMERICA exists on PRAYER and the SEEKING of God.


The sturdy men and women who CROSSED the OCEAN to come to our LAND, came not seeking SOIL for their PLOWS or GOLD for their POCKETS, but LIBERTY for their SOULS.

After our PILGRIM forefathers landed at Plymouth Rock, they knelt on their knees, thanking God for their new country.

2. Our forefathers were looking for a PLACE where they could WORSHIP God FREELY as they CHOOSE. Thus, America was BORN and FOUNDED upon the PRINCIPLE of FREEDOM of RELIGION.


A countless number of men and women have FOUGHT and DIED for that FREEDOM. All of us have read the story of George Washington. During those stark days at Valley Forge, the SOLDIERS were STARVING and FREEZING to death. General George Washington was seen on his KNEES in the snow, PRAYING and asking God to be with them and BLESS their EFFORTS as they FOUGHT for FREEDOM. (“Prayer at Valley Forge” by Arnold Friberg)

During the days of the CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, when they were experiencing difficulties and problems were multiplying, Benjamin Franklin, called upon the CONTINENTAL CONGRESS to get on their KNEES, PRAY and ask GOD’S BLESSING.

3. Although PRAYER has been taken out of our SCHOOLS, our LAW-MAKERS open every SESSION with a PRAYER—and as long as we have the FREEDOM to do that, I believe

AMERICA will continue to be BLESSED.


1. We have already seen how America not only has allowed IMMORALITY to creep into our NATION, but how many of our NATION’S LEADERS have made and are trying to make these IMMORAL and GODLESS ACTS . . . LEGAL.


Obviously with almost 300 million AMERICANS, it is impossible to completely ERADICATE IMMORALITY—we can’t even stop it in our CHURCHES and in our FAMILIES. But to legalize the MURDER of UNBORN BABIES and to legalize GAY MARRIAGE are reprehensibly EVIL and a SLAP in the FACE of Almighty God.

2. America cannot continue to SURVIVE and FLOURISH as a NATION without our TURNING from our WICKED WAYS and RETURNING to God.


Author and speaker Zig Ziglar said that “In all of HISTORY, no CIVILIZATION has ever survived after openly accepting HOMOSEXUALITY as a NORMAL way of LIFE.”

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