
Summary: Body language has become a very important thing these days.

Body language is used in nearly every aspect of daily life, and observing someone can sometimes tell you a lot about how a person is feeling and what is on their mind.

For example, in poker, people try to limit their body language to prevent others from guessing their hand or what they might do.


Body language is a type of communication in which physical behaviors, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey information.

Such behavior includes facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch.

Body language exists in both animals and humans.

For example, if you walk up to a dog and his tail is not wagging it might not be good to pet him. Through body language he is telling you he does not like you!!!

Body language is used in many ways:

For example it is used by businesses in hiring.

• Eye contact: For example if a person is being interviewed for a job the personnel manager will use Eye Contact to see if a person is qualified. If a person does not have good eye contact they are not a good candidate for a person who will have to deal with people.

• Hand Shake: While shaking hands especially in a professional environment, the hand shake should be firm and not loose.

• Crossing your Arms: Crossing your arms could imply that a person is not open to new ideas / opinion especially in case of giving a presentation. ...

Although body language is an important part of communication, most of it happens without conscious awareness.

Illus: Tapping Your Fingers. When you tap your fingers, you appear impatient and possibly nervous about waiting.

Body "language" must not be confused with sign language: sign languages are literally languages: they have (their own) complex grammar systems, and they also are able to exhibit the fundamental properties that are considered to exist in all (true) languages.

Body language, on the other hand, does not have a grammar system and must be interpreted broadly.

One writer famously said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and many experts believe that the face conveys six emotions universally recognized around the world, SUCH AS:

1) Surprise,

2) Fear,

3) Disgust,

4) Contempt,

5) Anger,

6) Sadness

The face has great power to move and motivate an audience.

Illus: A school teacher found one of her students making faces at others on the playground.

• She scolded him saying, "Johnny, when I was a child, I was told if that I made ugly faces, it would freeze my face and my face would be an ugly face the rest of my life!"

• Johnny looked up and replied, "Well, teacher, you can't say you weren't warned."

Illus: Helen of Troy was once described as, “The face that launched a thousand ships.” The beauty conveyed through her face was so compelling that armies of Greek men were inspired to go to war.

Illus: One man said recently I got a seat at a busy restaurant but the food was not that great, but the waitress’s smile was completely engaging.

By the time I paid my bill, I had forgotten about the food and could only remember how welcome she had made me feel.

Illus: One thing that the singers who sing for Bill Gaither that has made them so popular is the smile on their faces as they sing. As you look at the smile on their faces you know they are enjoying the song so the listeners can relax and enjoy the song.

Illus: Dr. Odell Belger and his wife had to stop at one of the medical centers to give blood. As they set waiting a young lady was coughing terrible.

Dr. Belger said as I set there I thought I wish I had a cough drop I could give to her but I did not have any.

I was listening to a church service that was streaming and a young man was singing a beautiful song. But you would never know it by body language because his face looked like he was having gall bladder attack.

As I watched him I wish I had a pill that would make him smile.

Illus: One thing that has made Chic Filea so successful is the employees are train to smile when the customer ask for something they say with a smile “MY PLEASURE”

Reason that some folks love to attend some churches is because when you walk in these churches someone greet you with a smile and they are delighted that you came to worship the Lord with them.

We do not know how accurate BODY LANGUAGE is, but if it is accurate as you look at some worship services on television they appear to be miserable.

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