
Summary: We are living in an age and time in which this seems to be the theme; how to get more out of……

They're showing how to get more oil out of an old well. They also advertise how to get more out of our water supply by using certain things. The same is true about our homes and cars always get more use out of what we have. Why should we as Christians not want to get more out of our churches and out of our Christian lives? People tell us all the time that they are not faithful to church, or quit going to church. Why did they quit going? They don't get anything out of it. The church is too big or too small. The church just doesn’t meet my needs.

The average life of a faithful, dependable member is very short. About 3 years. Nearly everyone who quits lays the blame on someone else. Many times, the preacher is to blame. It could be the church’s fault if it is not attractive, spiritual, or a working program. It could be the pastor’s fault if he did not preach the truth, or did not preach where we could understand. It could even be your fault. Usually this is the last consideration. Mark 4:3-20. The bible teaches us that only one out of 4 get anything out of it. We have the wayside in verse 4. A stony ground in verse 5, a thorny ground, in verse 7 and good ground in verse 8.

The emphasis is on the soil and not the seed or the Sower. If we are to get more out of church it is up to us. Notice three things about our church going. What to do; before, during and after.

I. What to do Before Going to Church

1. James 1:21a

2. Have the right attitude in going. Some people resent having to go. It should be a joy

3. It should be a spiritual lift.

4. Cleanse ourselves. 2 Corinthians 7:1

5. Galatians 5:19-21

6. 1 Corinthians 5:9

7. 2 Corinthians 6:14-17

8. Colossians 3:8

II. What to do While in Church

1. James 1:21b

2. Remember Jesus is here, and He knows your heart and sins. Matthew 18:20

3. Listen carefully Luke 8:18

4. Some people hear only what they want to hear.

5. John 12:48; no one goes away the same.

6. Learn self-discipline. 1 Timothy 3:15

7. Receive the word with meekness. Acts 2:41

III. What to do After Church

1. James 1:22

2. Go to work, response to what you have heard is evidence of whether you have listened properly.

3. Works bring assurance of salvation. 1 John 2:3-4

4. Luke 17:14

5. John 13:17; Christian happiness depends on doing.

6. Word of warning, hearing, and doing goes hand in hand. Matthew 7:24-28

7. Notice some Bible doctrines I know God has spoken to some of us.

a. Witnessing and soul winning.

b. Regular church attendance.

c. Giving in tithes and offerings.

d. Teaching and caring for the souls of boys and girls.

e. Bus routes.

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