
Summary: Two scriptural directives to keep your child from departing from the faith, as well as three introductory fundamentals that(when not in effect) prevent a child from reaching their full lifes potential.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6


Do these quotes sound familiar to you?

¡§I can¡¦t wait ¡¥till I¡¦m grown¡¨

¡§When I have kids I¡¦m not going to raise them like I was raised¡¨

¡§Not MY Son!¡¨

¡§Not MY Daughter!¡¨

If they do... you need to listen to every word like your child¡¦s life depended on it¡K because it does!

Interrogative- WHERE DID WE (I) GO WRONG?

1. No Strategy (no plan or policy, just playing it by ear, reversal of roles)

2. No Structure (difficulty in taking course of action; because the composition of the home is out of order.)

3. No SWITCH (homes that are devoid of discipline usually produce deviant children.)

Dedicate them

„« The word ¡§train¡¨ is really two different words in the Greek. One means to dedicate, commit, consecrate, surrender, etc. The other means to hang oneself, ie, as with a rope. If you don¡¦t train them the latter will happen either figuratively or literally. Or both.

Direct them

„« It is our responsibility to put them on the right path. Not necessarily the path ¡§WE¡¨ chose; but the one that is suited for them specifically.

They won¡¦t Depart

„« The important thing to notice in the text is ¡§when he is old¡¨ the Bible clearly states that the key to longevity is obedience to parents¡K.. DO YOU SEE THE CONNECTION HERE?


If you(children)desire longevity you’ll honor your parent(s) thusly the text implies that "when you are old" you won’t depart. If you have departed today its not to late to re-dedicate and ask the Lord to re-direct your steps in the right direction.

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