
Summary: You may be in the middle of the drought, you may not see any evidence of rain in the sky: But Elijah didn't say he saw, he said he heard: The Sound is your sign (The rain is on the way)

Elijah got himself in the birth position (head between his knees) and began to labor in prayer for what he heard in the Spirit.

He sent his servant out to look toward the sea for an answer: )The sea represents the word of God,

You have to get your eyes on the word.

His servant returns the answer: I’m looking but I don’t see any evidence of an answer to your prayer.

But Elijah just keeps on praying, he sends his servant back to the sea and while the servant is running Elijah is praying.

You just have to keep on praying: When you have a word from God in your spirit you just have to keep on praying.

Daniel prayed for 20 days with no evidence whatsoever that God had heard him, but on the 21rst day the breakthrough came, Michael the warring angel broke into the battle and Gabriel got the message through.

God will do whatever it takes to get it to you, if you don’t quit!

Keep on praying, keep on praising, keep on confessing, keep on tithing, and sowing, and singing and dancing.

Don’t let the devil see you sweat.

Delay is not denial (Abraham was delayed 25 years but not denied) Joseph was delayed 15 years but not denied.

Lazarus was delayed for 4 days but not denied.

Hab 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: (though it tarry) wait for it because it will surely come , it will not tarry.

Num 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent: if he said it he will do it and if he hath spoken it, he will bring it to pass.

Every time you pray you are putting pressure on the spirit realm and you are filling with expectancy the clouds that are bringing your blessings.

We don’t pray because we feel like it, we don’t pray just because it’s the Christian thing to do, or because it sounds like a good idea.

We pray because we have an objective that can only be reached and can only be won and conquered through prayer.

Elijah is still praying: (head between his knees) prayer is serious business and hard work.

Somebody said one time: Many Christians pray with such lukewarmness and indifference and uncertainty that they wouldn’t even recognize the answer to their prayer when it came.

Elijah’s servant has brought back another negative report: but Elijah keeps praying.

Go back to the sea look again (spend some more time in the word) then come tell me what you see.

On the 7th time the servant comes back with the report: Behold there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea.

In other word: There was a little word that came up to me.

(A word from the word)

A Rhema word: A specific word, for a specific purpose, for a specific time.

Tell your neighbor: All you need is a word.

If you’ve got a word you can make it through the storm.

If you’ve got a word you can dance in the fiery furnace.

If you’ve got a word you can sleep like a baby in a den of lions.

If you’ve got a word you can beat the famine with a little meal and a little oil.

If you’ve got a word you can walk on water.

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Mary Hall

commented on Aug 19, 2012

Thank you so much for that sermon that has made my faith rise to another level! Awesome!!!

Rev Calvin Berry

commented on Aug 27, 2012

2 C. C. Berry it gave me a new vision and I am praying for your happeness.

Mari Baca

commented on Sep 4, 2012

What a blessing this sermon is. I actually feel the power of the Holy spirit reading it. I know things are going to get better for me. Thank you for the life changing sermon.

Adu Ayodele Rufus

commented on Sep 26, 2012

The spirit of God in me is just renewed. I see myself in a new perspective and realm of glory. I am starting a new prosperous life as announced by the spirit of God.I have a new hope in the Lord.Thank you so much sir.

Sewankambo John

commented on Sep 27, 2012

just strengthened my prayer life,not to give up until God has given me a sign.Great

Stephen Thuo

commented on Dec 31, 2018

Am so much blessed by that powerful ready for the rain

Charlotte Heilaman

commented on Jan 21, 2020

I stumbled upon this site and sermon tonight. How I needed this at this time. Thank you!

Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney

commented on Jan 22, 2020

Thank you Charlotte,and most of all... thanks to our heavenly father who always knows exactly what we need, and exactly when we need it.

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