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Title: I’m so Excited (Part II)

Text: Psalms 37:4

Intro: God’s desire is for us to be blessed and live a life filled with Joy, Happiness, and Excitement. But the enemy of our soul’s desire is to keep us in the clutches of depression, fear and heartache. Today I want to tell you about the hindrances to our excitement and home to maintain our excitement.

I. Hindrances to our excitement

1. Failure to maintain a level of expectance

A. What was on our minds this morning

- “I have to get up, it’s Sunday”

- Or “I wonder what God will do today”

- Everyday should be another day that we expect something great from God

B. When we don’t, we cannot see God For who He is

- Omnipotent

- Creator

- Savior

- King of kings

- Lord of lords

- Heavenly Father

C. We Focus on problems

- Jobs

- Bills

- Relationships (Family; Friends; neighbors)

- Failures

D. When we ask, and look expecting, we get

Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

2. Surrounded by Depressed people

A. We must come in contact with all kinds of People

- Depressed

- Excited

- Sad

- Christian

- Sinner

B. Cannot allow their lives to stop the flow of Joy in our hearts

· “I just can’t live for God, I am surrounded by unsaved people all day”

C. They may surround us physically but must not allow them to surround us spiritually

D. When we walk in the Joy that God brings into our lives – we will also walk in the power and strength to not be pulled down by others.

Nehemiah 8:10; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

3. Distracted from daily walk with God

A. The more time we spend with God the stronger our relationship becomes

B. The stronger our relationship, the greater our joy in Him

C. The greater our Joy in Christ, the greater a threat we become to Satan’s kingdom.

2 Chronicles 20:12 O our God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee.

D. So Satan sets out to distract us from our walk

- Caught up in other things

· Work

· Kids

· Entertainment

· Things

II. How to maintain our excitement

ILL. Elijah must have been excited as fire fell from heaven and consumed the sacrifice. It must have stirred his spirit to hear the nation of Israel turn back to God. But after it was all over and Jezebel had made her threats it seemed that all of the life was sucked right out of Elijah.

- Have you ever experienced a mountain top experience only to stand face to face with a trial that destroys all of your joy and excitement?

- We don’t have to lose our excitement

- We can keep that joy

- “This joy that I have the world didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away”

1. Dwell in the secret place

Psalms 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

A. It is not enough to just visit the secret place of God.

B. If you want excitement in your:

· Worship Service

· Preaching Service

· Altar Service

C. Then you must dwell in the secret place of God

2. Renew your mind

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

A. Think differently

B. It is not just words it is a new way of life

C. We will never know the good will of God let alone the acceptable or perfect will of God if our minds are not renewed.

3. Don’t carry burdens

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

A. So many Christians feel that God expects them to walk around with a long face, burdened by the circumstances of life.

ILL. Man that joined monistary. Could only say two words a year

1st year – Bed hard

2nd year – Food bad

3rd year – I quit

The head monk answers and says, “Doesn’t surprise me you have done nothing but complain since you have been here.”

B. I am not saying that we shouldn’t be concerned with problems of life but we shouldn’t live as though we have been defeated by them.

C. We are not defeated but we have overcoming power

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