
Summary: Evangelism outreach

Improisoned Evangelism

Luke 14:23

We by nature are known as an evangelistic church, yet I am afraid our evangelism is too many times restricted to the 4 walls of the church. We need to get away from this to go beyond the church, to go out where the people are.

I. We need to go out from the walls of the church.

1. Some people have the idea that evangelism is simply inviting people to church. It is your daily walk and life that speaks evangelism.

II. I think that too often we misuse our revival meetings

1. Revivals are frantic attemps to make up for months of neglect of reaching out.

2. Genuine concern for souls should be more than twice a year.

III. We fail too often on contacting absentees

1. We need tp contact visitors

people need to be called on by more than the pastor

IV. The silent witness has become an old fashioned aliby

1. Yes people see that you go to church but do they know why

is there such a thing as a silent Christian?

V. Yes we love the church but we need to remember, we are to win them to the Lord not the church

1. There are more membership classes than discipleship classes

VI. We let negativity limit our outreach

1. I’m to old, to young not good at this or that, they do not have anything to wear it is not our job to clean them up or save it is our job to love them

VII. Christ has been too often chained to the pulpit

1. if we just preach hard enough or loud enough we can save them.

We need to break free from the 4 walls of the church and reach out to the communities that surround us.

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