
Summary: Today’s message comes from the first 4 words of Genesis 1:1. In the beginning GOD... The Big Idea: Everything began with GOD so why would we begin anything without HIM?

January 3, 2021 Sermon Notes:

Scripture Reading 1 John 5:1-5 (vs 4)

Today’s message comes from the first 4 words of Genesis 1:1. In the beginning GOD...

The Big Idea: Everything began with GOD so why would we begin anything without HIM?

Proverbs 3:5-6. Trusting in the LORD, not ourselves.

Start everything with GOD: Our day, journey, decisions, thoughts, relationships, challenges and oppositions.

Colossians 1:17 HE is BEFORE all things and in Christ everything consists.

John 1:1 In the Beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD (YESHUA JESUS) was GOD.

And we can do all things in CHRIST (Philippians 4:13).

Matthew 6:33 Seek GOD, HIS Kingdom and Righteousness first.

In Everything we face in life, put your trust and faith in HIM.

1 John 5:4 this is the victory that overcomes...our faith.

Faith begins by hearing, reading and obeying GOD’s WORD and making the LORD our first priority. Romans 10:17

Let us on this 1st Sunday of 2021 set our 1st priority on the LORD GOD, KING of the Universe.

Rededicate your life to HIM today.

And if you haven’t made the decision to receive JESUS, invite HIM into your heart today.

FATHER, we come to receive YOUR Gift of Salvation, JESUS our LORD, and we commit our hearts to YOU as the first priority of the beginning of a New Year. Help us to begin everything with YOUR Leading and Guidance. Open our ears to hear YOUR Voice, our eyes to see YOUR Ways, and our minds to know YOUR Thoughts. To make our relationship to YOU our First Priority knowing that all the rest of our needs will be met by YOU. In JESUS Name. Amen.

***The following was added after the above message.***

One of my 92 year old listeners, Jack, spoke up as I concluded the message. He said, "the message was called 'in the beginning GOD...', And all the while you were speaking 4 more words came to my mind...'in the end, GOD'..."

He went on to describe holding the hand of his beloved friend Linda, when she took her final breath in this world, knowing that she was with the LORD.

But, when he said that "in the End...GOD", it became so profound to me as Jesus said I am alpha and omega the beginning AND the end. CHRIST has the complete story of yours and my life. From beginning to end.

And with that in mind, we come to realize in short that...Not only should all things begin with GOD, but also that GOD has the final say. This is the great promise of what is yet to come..."In the End...GOD!" To be fully in HIS Presence. What a Glorious Day that will be for those who put their trust in JESUS!

Even so LORD JESUS, come quickly, Amen.

Be blessed and be a blessing in a Happier New Year.

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