
Summary: JEHU Becomes Anointed

The turn around anointing

II Kings 9:1-7 and 16-20

• The tribes of Israel were divided. Israel had two kings. Ahaziah and Jo-ram but really Jezebel was running the show.

• Elisha called one of the prophets and told him to go found Je-hu. The only thing he brought with him was a box of oil.

• Je-hu was setting with the leaders around in a circle. The men said, “Who is this mad-man?”

• The prophet took him in the inter-chambers with his box of anointing oil. 6 quarts or 1 ½ gallons and dumped it over his head and said, The Lord God of Israel has anointed you king over Israel and you shall bring down Jezebel. And then he split.

• Je-hu denied what happened. When he finally confessed what happened those men started blowing trumpets and took off their coats and made a thrown for the new king.

• Je-hu jumped on his horse and headed for Jezeral with people following behind him.

• As he approaches the watchmen see him coming. The king sends his servant and they meet Je-hu and said, “Do you come in peace?” Je-hu said, “You don’t know what peace is, follow me.” And the servant turned his horse around and followed Je-hu

• Again he sent a servant and again the same thing happened.

• Finally the king jumped in his chariot and headed toward the man of God.

• Remember he had 6 quarts of oil dumped on him and no doubt the dirt had mixed with the oil and had hardened in his beard and hair.

• It took an inter-court experience to change Je-hu. You may tip toe through the tulips and be satisfied with an once of the anointing but until you find a way in the inter-court it won’t last you through the night.

• Sin must be removed to find the anointing. You may say I just don’t feel the anointing. Remove the habits. Remove the sin. Purge yourself and you will find that place God has for you.

• No one talks about sanctification anymore.

• That is the Holy Spirit cleaning you out and removing obstacles that keep you from the anointing.

Sanctification is an act of separation from that which is evil, and of dedication unto God.

• You won’t stand there in a trance when you are being purged. Tears will fill your eyes; your body will shake like a heroin addict in remission. Something will happen!

• Saul was different when the anointing came.

• Like when Clark Kent went into the phone booth a nerd and came out Superman.

• Je-hu had no army, no money, and no linage to the thrown. All he had was the anointing.

• People’s opinion didn’t matter. “If you would just tone it down”

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