
Summary: A message of hope in the times we live in. Faith can grow in our lives if we renew our walk by spending more time with the one who gave His Son's life for us.

Let your love for others be like the pollen in the air.

Good Morning

Stand with me and lift your bible and repeat after me.

This is my Bible.

I am what it says I am.

I can do what it says I can do.

I am going to learn how to be what it says I can be.

Today I will learn more of the word of God.

The indestructible, never ending, living word Of God.

I will never be the same.

I will never be the same.

In Jesus Name


Before you sit down, say good morning to your brothers and sisters, safely.

It won’t be long, and it will be springtime somewhere in this world that we live in.

Here is the question for the day.

Does anyone here start to sneeze a lot when you go outside when the flowers are in bloom?

With all of the things that we can control due to technology we cannot control pollen.

You cannot really see it.

You may go out in the morning and see residue all over your car.

It seems like that happens to me in the spring.

I can go outside in the morning and the color of my car has changed to a light green all over the top and it stays there because the morning dew wets it real nice.

Later if the year, our one tree sheds little seeds all over and wherever it lands it leaves a gloomy, gloppy mess behind.

Pollen is continually floating in the air for a reason.

It is part of what God has created.

It may leave a mark behind, or we may not even see it.

Faith is kind of like that.

Sometimes we see it and sometimes we don’t.

Sometimes we are so enveloped in it that just covers every part of our life.

And sometimes it is not as noticeable.

Our lives move on and we get so wrapped up in things and we just do not see it or feel it as much. Things of the world take a priority over our relationship with God.

However, it may be time to regroup.

Life is hard sometimes and it becomes overwhelming with all that we have going on.

How do we handle it.

Here is a suggestion.

By us taking the time we need and putting things in the proper priority, we may become at peace through the life that we have here on earth if our habits become stronger by our growing in our relationship with God.

Turn with me in your Bibles to Romans, Chapter 5 and say, “Amen” when you are there.

Romans 5:1 “Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Our daily walk and trials of daily life can be more bearable if we head in the right direction.

Some of you may be looking at me and saying, “That sounds good, but you should be in my shoes and go through life like I am going through it. You have no idea.”

You know what?

I don’t.

But Jesus does.

He has been down all the roads we are on, have been on, and are going to be on in our lives and others.

He knows.

He cares.

He can help.

All you have to do is bring yourself closer in your relationship with Him.

Turn with me to Acts Chapter 11 and say, “Amen” when you are there.

Acts 11:24 “For he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.”

That is how I would like people to see me.

The fellowship with God can be like the pollen in the air.

You don’t see it but in envelopes you a great way.

The particles of God’s love are a pleasant infection in our bodies.

He created you and I in His image for a reason.

Part of the reason is to share Him with others.

How do we do that?

Should I become an evangelist a missionary, or a street preacher?

Not at all unless you know He has called you for that.

He just wants us to spend more time with Him in our daily lives.

When you ask Jesus into your heart, it is not like some person moves into your home in a spare room and is only available when you knock on his door.

He lives inside you and me.

We just have to get up each day with the goal of going through it by remembering that we are not alone in anything we do.

We need to have His love, hope, and direction to cover us like the particles of pollen that are in the air.

We also might want to remember the gifts He gives us that we can use as we go through the daily walk of life. Life will never be easy. It will have complications in many areas that may be hard to handle at times.

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