
Summary: We need to remember our first love as a church

I. What distracts us from the gospel

We live in a world today where the body of Christ is caught up in to many things of this world. And this includes far too many preachers. Men we are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be a witness of Him and lead our people to do the same. Satan works to distract and redirect by muddying up the waters of life and bog us down with the details of this world which serve no other purpose than to draw us away from our purpose and calling. This world wants grey areas and excuses but what this world needs is Jesus. This world wants social programs to fix all the ills of the world but what it needs is the Savior. This world wants teaching and more and more learning but what it needs is the Man who hung on that Cross! The world wants your money to give to others but what others need is the great healer and provider.

II. What is it about Jesus

Jesus came and owned no fisheries, no wheat fields, no flour mill, no processing plant and no factory full of ovens. But he still fed 5000 hungry souls. Jesus came and was born in a livestock feeding stall, He had no bed in which to lay His head, He had no handsome features, He had no wealth, He was not a great warrior and still He influenced the world more in three years of ministry than Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle’s combined one hundred and thirty years of teaching. Jesus painted not one single picture and yet the world’s greatest painters like Raphael, Michael Angelo, and Leonardo da Vinci, all received their inspiration from Him.

Jesus did not write one piece of music and we find in history that men like Handel, Beethoven, and Bach have written much of their music in praise of Him. Jesus birth was contrary to the laws of life for He was born of a Virgin and conceived by God, Jesus death was contrary to the laws of death for He died on His own by giving up His own Spirit. Jesus lived for 33 years and of that He taught the known world for three meager years and yet He is the demarcation of all time. We are told in scripture that life is in the blood and when we lack it we must get it to live, and yet Jesus is the only one who gave His blood that we may live. His teachings are contrary to the common sense of this world. In this world we must gain our lives through our own work but Jesus said in order to gain life we must give our lives up just as He did. In this world we are taught that in order to be great we must stand out in the crowd and elevate ourselves above everyone else. But Jesus taught that the greatest are those who humble themselves and points to someone else.

III. The Power of the blood

So we must ask ourselves what kind of blood was spilled on Calvary’s Hill for the redemption of man? And what is it that caused the need for the spilling of this blood whatever the nature of it is? The answer is that it was Holy blood that was spilled on Calvary, it was sinless blood that was spilled on Calvary, it was innocent blood that was spilled on Calvary!

Preachers this is what the focus of what our ministries is to be. Paul wrote to Timothy to preach the Word. And do it when it is convenient and when it is not. Stand against that which stands against the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can plant churches but what are we doing that for? Is it to plant churches or is it to see that the gospel is spread and that the world may know that Jesus our Savior came, bled, died and was resurrected! Without the Gospel a church plant means nothing. Let’s focus on first things first and let everything else spring out of that. The gospel must always come first. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost came and filled the souls of men to empower them to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul wrote to the church in Corinth that he came knowing nothing but Christ and Him crucified.

IV. What we owe Christ

Today there are far too many preachers that are far too worried about far too many other things. We want to argue over who opens up men’s hearts to believe the gospel rather than just be joyful that men are being saved. We get distracted and bogged down of the mechanics of salvation and just how it works to its minutia rather than just be like the angels of heaven who rejoice over the one single lost sheep. Our churches are suffering from Jesus anemia that are not being fed the glories of God but instead are being fed the distraction of this world.

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