
Summary: A man of God is more than just a man.

More Than A Man

I. Introduction

a. Introduce Men’s Group

b. High 5’s and say ‘I like you ugly’

c. Story about real manhood – my journey

d. Rom 8:13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

e. Rom 8:14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

f. Jesus was THE Son of God – the Word made Flesh

g. We are called the sons of God – flesh ruled by the Spirit of God

h. We are called to a purpose higher than that of a man – we are called to be sons of Eden, kings and priests of the Most Host God

i. Our reign and power exists is an invisible, but very real Kingdom of Heaven

j. Our calling and anointing comes from the very Throneroom of the Universe

k. We are called to be More Than Human – More than Flesh – More than A Man

II. Hands of Progress

a. Work on the work that God has anointed us to do

b. To obtain the promises that God has guaranteed through faith

c. To hold on to what we have with a firm grip

d. To give it all away on the appointed time

e. To raise those hands in surrender and worship to the Lord

III. Feet of Service

a. To carry us to the appointed place of the moment

b. To keep us in constant motion serving the Kingdom

c. To weather the rocky terrain ahead

d. To help us hold the weight of our lives up to the Lord

IV. Voice of Wisdom

a. To speak into the life of those around us

b. To profess the Word of God to our selves

c. To teach and mentor those who want to be like us

d. To announce the truth of Jesus through credible relationships

e. To authenticate the anointing of God in our lives

V. Mind of Meditation

a. To compile and evaluate the truths of God

b. To ponder and reflect on the mysteries of God

c. To unlock and uncover answers that are not so obvious

d. To seize control of our thoughts and subject them to the image of Christ

e. To reprogram our internal software

VI. Eyes of Prophecy

a. To see beyond the circumstances currently presented

b. To see into the completed version of God’s seemingly crazy ideas

c. To watch the times, seasons, and atmosphere and know when change is coming.

d. To see the fingerprints of God throughout your life.

VII. Heart of Furious Passion

a. To love people harder than anyone they know

b. To fight for relationships in order to preseve the unity

c. To submit your strength in totality to the Lord’s control

d. To press into the work when you know He called you to it

VIII. Spirit of Life

a. To feel the breathe of God in your own body

b. To experience the fulness of an adventurous life

c. To experience the powerful quickening of His manifest presence

d. To impart His Spirit and resurrection power to those that are dead

e. To truly know the presence of God

IX. More Than A Man

a. Your life is more than a life

b. Your purpose is more than a coicidence

c. Your time is more than sanctified

d. Your possessions are more than treasures

e. Your mind is more than thoughts

f. Your heart is more than emotions

g. Your spirit is more than redeemed

h. Your voice is louder than the crowd

i. Your eyes see deeper that your vision

j. Your Father holds you closer than all of creation

k. Your God has called you chosen, bought, redeemed, peculiar, beloved, saved, transformed, powerful, mighty, blessed….

l. A man that is surrendered to the purpose and moment of God is MORE THAN A MAN, through Christ.

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