
Summary: It is necessary for every man to work. Life on earth will be a lot easier if all men will work.


It is necessary for every man to work. Life on earth will be a lot easier if all men will work.


Whatever your jobs right now, it is God’s gift to you. If you are not you have to find the work that God ordained you to do. But if you don’t want to work at all, you are a disgrace to your ordination as God’s co-worker. You are sinning against God. God ordained man to work. Both man and woman are ordained to work (Gen 2:18).

A. Work first before pleasure (and leisure)

“Fill the earth and subdue it”

The first activity that man needs to do after his creation is work, not to rest or just take a walk, stroll or enjoy other creations.

B. Work skillfully not with mediocrity

“Rule over…”

It means that everything must be put to order. Part of orderliness is to work excellently.


A. Work first before fullness

“I give you…They will be yours for food”

Again, the first order is WORK. So, before you enjoy those food you have to work for it (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

B. Work hard not become a burden to others

Man can only truly enjoy God’s provision, if he himself works hard for it. Remember, every man is ordained to work. Man should not rely on others for his food. He should not beg either. He is called also to become a blessing to others not a burden.


“Be fruitful and increase in number”

There two logical things happened when you increase in number.

A. Work and share your blessings

Since there will be many people around us, you need to be part of their lives. You need to touch their lives so hat they will always feel and experience the goodness of our creator. By sharing the fruits of your labor with them, God will be praised. They will not walk away from our Creator.

By the way, the Bible tell us also that the first people need to be blessed by your work are the ministers of God (Leviticus 18:1-8, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, 1 Timothy 5:17). I am not making this just for me to benefit but it is for your benefits rather. Ask the people who were already doing this (blessing the ministers) on how the Lord blessing them because of the practice.

Next are the other people in need (Read Psalm 37:25-26). Because when you are blessed by God you become generous also. It is God like to be generous and helpful. Unlike Abel, Cain did not become generous that is why even in his worship of God he did not give back what belongs to God. He did not give God’s tithe. And all the people that belong to his lineage are not God like.

B. Work to enlarge your workplace

The next logical thing that will happen when the people multiply is that they place to work or in their context is land to till. It will not be very good to humankind if you will just give them what they need. You must also help them to work.

By working in excellence and praiseworthy, your work will be blessed by God to enlarge. So, work hard, serve your master as if you are serving God at all times. Respect them and submit to them. Do not waste your time, either.


It will not be good for anybody to become idle. Man is deigned to work. You are created to become workers and God’s co-workers. Fight idleness, find a job. Do something, help yourself and help others. God is a worker. Each one of us is created after the image of God. Live the image of God in you as a worker. WORK!

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