
Summary: Some reason that if the death of Jesus is the atonement for the sins of the whole world, why is everyone’s sins still not forgiven? The Lord Jesus has completed all that needs to be done for our salvation, however, it is up to each one of us to accept this free gift of salvation.

We read in Psalm 91:14,“Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.” (ESV)

As we continue this series of studies on Psalm 91, from verse 14 on wards are the words of assurance from God Himself. To those who have known that mighty name of the Lord, He promises to be their mighty fortress and protection from every peril.

We might wonder as to how one could receive such a great blessing just by knowing the name of the Lord Almighty. Let me explain this with a personal experience of mine. I had to go to an office regards some work that I needed to get done. As I went from person to person requesting that they look into the matter at hand, everyone seemed busy and no one was willing to help me or to even respond to my queries. The response I received brought me to a point where I thought that the work would not be completed as I expected.

Just then I remembered the name of a friend of mine, who had at some time mentioned to me that he worked in that office. When I cited his name to a staff there, there was a total change of attitude by the staff. They made me sit down and told me that he would be in office in five minutes. Once my friend came, I was taken in to his office and within half an hour the work was completed and I returned back joyfully. The one thing that made a difference to the situation, was that I knew my friend’s name and cited the same. If there is so much of authority in a man’s name to get our work done, how much more awesome to know the name of the Lord Almighty who made heaven and earth. Those who know His name can be sure that they will be secure in the shelter of the name of the Most High God. It is therefore paramount for us to know the name of this amazing God in whom we believe.

The way God revealed Himself to Moses

We read in Exodus 3:13,“Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” (ESV)

As Moses encountered God at the burning bush and was commanded by God to go to Egypt, meet Pharaoh and deliver the Israelites, this was Moses’ query to God. He asked God as to what was the name by which he should introduce God to the people of Israel, if they questioned him as to the name of the one who sent him to free them from their bondage.

This was God’s response to Moses as recorded in Exodus 3:14,“God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” (ESV)

God introduced Himself as “I Am who I Am” meaning that He is one who has no beginning or end. This also implies that He is the unchanging God.

Malachi 3:6 says it this way,"For I am the LORD, I change not.” (AFV)

The Lord who performed mighty miracles in the days of Moses, is the same God and is able to do great wonders even today, because He is the unchanging God.

The people of Israel cried out to God in their distress.

We read in Exodus 2:23-24,“Years later the king of Egypt died, but the Israelites were still groaning under their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry went up to God, who heard their groaning and remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (GNB)

The people of Israel were the descendants of Abraham. At this particular moment in history they were under bondage to Pharaoh and the Egyptians. They were slaves who were dominated by Pharaoh and his men, with no will of their own. They served like bonded laborers, who for generations were subdued by cruel enslavement and received no reward for their hard labor. It was at this time that they in desperation, cried out to the Lord and sought for His divine intervention. It is interesting to note that God heard the deepest groans of His people.

There may be those who are undergoing tumultuous situations in your life, with no relief in sight.

If you will call upon the Lord, He is faithful to give heed and liberate you from all your hardships. Every time I read Exodus 2:23-24, it fills my heart with a deep sense of peace to know that we have a God who not only hears our prayers and our laments, but is one who can even hear our heart’s sigh. To hear another’s groans, one has to be really at close proximity to that person and that’s how near the Lord is each one of us. He is also a God who not only hears our groans, but is also willing and able to free us from all our calamities.

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