
Summary: As humans, we often struggle with the desire to take credit for our accomplishments and successes.

1 Corinthians 4:7, Psalm 100:5

As humans, we often struggle with the desire to take credit for our accomplishments and successes. However, as Christians, we must remember that everything we have and everything we achieve is a gift from God. When we take credit for what God has done, we risk forgetting His role in our lives and neglecting to give Him the glory He deserves. In this article, we will explore the biblical basis for giving God the glory and the dangers of taking self-credit.

Today, I want to talk about a vital aspect of our faith: giving credit where credit is due. Specifically, never stealing God's credit. We often forget that everything we have and everything we achieve is a gift from God. When we take credit for what God has done, we risk forgetting His role in our lives and neglecting to give Him the glory He deserves.

The Problem of Self-Credit

In 1 Corinthians 4:7, Paul writes, "What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?" This verse reminds us that everything we have is a gift from God. Our talents, skills, and accomplishments are not our own doing, but rather the result of God's blessing and favor. Yet, how often do we take credit for what God has done? We boast about our achievements, forgetting that it was God who enabled us to succeed.

The Danger of Self-Credit

Proverbs 25:27 says, "It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it honorable to seek one's own glory." Taking self-credit can lead to pride and a sense of self-sufficiency, causing us to forget our dependence on God. When we take credit for what God has done, we risk becoming like the Pharisees, who Jesus rebuked for their self-righteousness (Matthew 23:27-28).

The Consequences of Stealing God's Credit

When we steal God's credit, we risk becoming proud and self-sufficient. We begin to think that we are the ones responsible for our successes, rather than acknowledging God's role in our lives. This pride can lead to a range of negative consequences, including:

- Forgetting God's goodness and provision

- Neglecting to give God the glory He deserves

- Becoming self-sufficient and independent from God

- Missing out on the blessings and favor that come from giving God credit

The Example of David

King David is a great example of someone who gave God credit for his accomplishments. In Psalm 100:5, David writes, "For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." David recognized that his successes were not his own doing, but rather the result of God's blessing and favor.

The Blessings of Giving God Credit

When we give God credit for what He has done, we experience a range of blessings, including:

- Humility and a recognition of our dependence on God

- Wisdom and guidance for our lives

- Strength and courage in the face of challenges

- Joy and peace that comes from knowing God is in control

- Favor and blessing from God

Never stealing God's credit is a vital aspect of our faith. When we give God credit for what He has done, we recognize His role in our lives and give Him the glory He deserves. Let us remember to always give God credit, and experience the blessings and favor that come from doing so.


Taking self-credit for what God has done is a dangerous pitfall that can lead to pride and self-sufficiency. Instead, we should give God the glory and recognition He deserves. By doing so, we experience a range of blessings and cultivate a heart of humility and gratitude. Let us remember to always give God the glory for His work in our lives.

- Take time to reflect on your accomplishments and successes. Who enabled you to achieve them?

- Give God credit for what He has done in your life. Acknowledge His role in your successes and accomplishments.

- Cultivate a heart of humility and recognition of your dependence on God.

- Experience the blessings and favor that come from giving God credit.

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