Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Spiritual gifts are good. But like anything else they can be abused and misused.



INTRODUCTION: Spiritual gifts are good. But like anything else they can be abused and misused. See 1:4-7 – they were gifted. But the blessing had become a blight.

In Chs. 12-14 Paul has to deal with another issue in the church (bless the poor guys heart, he would have felt right at home in a Baptist church). What was the problem? The church was divided over “spiritual gifts”, one in particular – tongues speaking! (Boy, is that a topic in Baptist life today!) There were those in the church who “had the gift” and thought themselves to be spiritually superior Christians (super saints). Instead of attacking outright this issue, Paul first dealt with the larger issue of spiritual gifts in general. In Chapter 12 he deals with the bestowal of gifts. In Chapters 12-14 he gives the most extended discussion of spiritual gifts to be found in the entire Bible. Note the following.

I. The Profession of Christ (v.1-3)

Paul went from talking about their carnality to their spirituality. There was confusion and ignorance so they asked him for advice (v.1).

In v.2 look at some words. “Pagan” = unbelievers. “Influenced” = carried away or lead astray by dumb idols (demons). Even before they became Christians some had experienced ecstatic utterances. It was a phenomenon that was part of their former worship of idols. At that time it certainly wasn’t an indication of the Holy Spirit.

What indicates the presence of the Holy Spirit in one’s life? Speaking in tongues? They did that before they were saved! Someone may say they have spoken in tongues. “What did you say?” “Well, I don’t rightly know.” Then you could have cursed Jesus (v.3). No one can say “Jesus is Lord” sincerely unless the Holy Spirit leads them.

What is Paul’s point? The evidence of the Holy Spirit’s presence and activity in one’s life is not speaking in tongues but a clear confession and firm commitment to Jesus. The Holy Spirit will always lead you to crown and exalt Jesus as Lord! The evidence is not a gift but the Spirit Himself. He will always point to Jesus!

II. The Provision of the Holy Spirit (v.4-6)

See the unity in diversity within the trinity. Paul explained the work of the Holy Spirit in the life and body of Christ. He has bestowed supernatural gifts upon different members. Note the different kinds of:

A. Gifts (v.4): “Diversities” = uniqueness of each Christian in the work God has called him/her to do. “Same” = unity of spirit with which the Christian carries out that work. God distributes a variety of gifts to the church. “Gifts” = charismata. “Charis” = grace gifts. At least 21 are mentioned in the N.T. They are not earned or bought. There is not one gift for which every Christian should strive. No one person has every gift. Only one spirit gives them.

B. Service (v.5): “Administrations” = God puts different people with different gifts in different places. There are many ways to serve but only one Lord to be served.

C. Working (v.6): “Operations” = energy. It is God’s strength at work in us through our gifts.

III. The Purpose of Gifts (v.7-11)

Be careful to observe three things here.

A. The Source (v.7): In this one verse Paul declares three truths.

1. Every believer is given some gift. “To each one.”

2. They are given by the Spirit. No need to counterfeit, envy or covet another’s gift.

3. These are given for the good of all. “Common good.”

The Corinthians were using their gifts to honor themselves instead of God or others! Your gift is not to build you up but build up His church!

B. The Selection (v.8-10): Paul lists nine (9) gifts. This is not an exhaustive list but an exemplary list. Each is given by the Spirit for the benefit of the church. I won’t take time to elaborate on all these. Get you a good commentary and do a word study here.

It is interesting to note that “tongues” is listed last. Gordon Fee suggests that it is placed last for a purpose because this was the problem in Corinth. It seems to me that a troubled, divided church full of carnal Christians was majoring on a minor!

C. The Sovereignty: The Spirit divided the gifts to unify the church. He “endowed them” (Corinthians) to “exalt Him” (Jesus). There’s no room for boasting!

CONCLUSION: The person filled with the Spirit will have a clear confession and firm commitment to Jesus. He/she will put Christ in His rightful place. They will discover their gift, will not covet another’s gift, and will use that gift to glorify God and benefit the church!

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