
Summary: Remembering that Calvary is what it is all about.

We stand in the middle of an age that is consumed by the desire for knowledge.

More than any other time in history men and women are returning to establishments of higher learning to further educate themselves.

Never has there been a time when corporations have put more emphasis on theidea of continuing education.

It is promoted to our children, in national advertising campaigns, that education and knowledge are, really, the only ways to succeed in this fast paced society in which we live.

And I would like to go on record this morning, and say, that I am a believer in education. I am not here to stand before you and degrade the idea of expanding your mental resources and capabilities. I am not against higher education. I am not against people who endeavor to enlighten themselves, but I do believe that it is possible to have the I.Q. level of a genius and still be a fool.

Could I tell you that it is possible to acquire all of the knowledge that money can buy and still be ignorant.

It is entirely possible and, I believe, entirely true, that as a whole we have become so highly intellectual and so well versed in reasoning, and in the knowledge of the world, that we have produced a generation of people who feel that they have outgrown, and maturd past the simplistic teachings of a book known as the Bible.

I realize, today, that by standing and proclaiming this word, I run the risk of being labeled, "old-fashioned," and "out of touch." But allow me to declare to you today that I believe the church has been caught up in the tide swell of the worlds rush for knowledge.

Before you judge my message please allow me to inform you that I believe that knowledge is necessary. In fact The Word says in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

You see, knowledge is necessary, but allow this preacher to tell you that what you know is far more important than how much you know.

Paul warned of a day in 2Timothy 3:7 when people would be ever learning, and yet never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

We live in a world that is more intellectual than it has ever been, and yet we are more lost than we have ever been. We are more perverted. More sick. More diseased than we have ever been. Hospitals and psych wards are full with people whos only way to cope is through the power of mind and body numbing narcotics.

We are more tied than ever before. More weary. More stressed and aggrivated. And people, everyday are plunging headlong into eternity, and they are finding out that their degree

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