
Summary: He was a cofounder of the and an adjunct professor at Fuller Seminary.

12% of the Gospels deal with healing p. 93; The breakdown is on p. 262:

Matthew – 9%, Mark – 20%, Luke 12 % (he also wrote Acts), John 13%

Adultery word on airplane – p. 75

Tongues in 5 known languages p. 117

God picked up a Dr. and he was healed p. 117

Food multiplication – p. 165. Richard Clinton of the CO Springs, Colorado Vineyard had something similar happen.

James Dunn “The binding of Satan was expected by the Jews as a mark of the close of the age.” P. 166

Pastor David Watson Wimber, and about a dozen ministry team members went into a small room in the church. For 7 hours the woman told her story. We cast out 50 demons. She was molested at 6 and was involved in the occult. P.169, 170

A Muslim became Christian. p. 171

Wagner stopped a storm. p. 180

Bob Fulton prayed for arthritis, and she was healed of blindness. p. 211

A Native became a pastor. P. 244

Luther’s Works “If you wish to prophesy, do it in such a way that it does not go beyond faith so that your prophesying can be in harmony with the peculiar quality of faith . . . one may prophesy new things but not things that go beyond the bounds of faith.” p. 226 – 228

Wesley’s Journal “reason why the miraculous gifts were so soon withdrawn, was not only that faith and holiness were wellnigh lost, but that dry, formal, orthodox men began even then to ridicule whatever gifts they had not themselves, and to decry them as all either madness or imposture.” p. 232

“It was Ananias, a non-apostle, who laid hands on Paul and saw him filled with the Holy Spirit.” P. 248. Everyone can play.

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