Summary: Christ Jesus calls us to be obedient to His teachings and share them with the world.

Being a Disciple

Matthew 28: 16 - 20

Intro: A man walked up to a coffee vending machine. He put in his coins, pressed the buttons labeled, double cream and sugar. No cup appeared; however, the nozzles went into action sending forth coffee, cream and sugar. After the proper amounts had gone down the drain, the machine turned off and an empty cup dropped into place. The man turned to the person waiting behind him and said, “Now that’s real automation. This thing even drinks it for you.”

I Sometimes I think that is just how some people want to be a disciple of Jesus. They want to make an initial deposit, put in some money and let the rest be taken care of automatically.

A VS. 17 – “When they saw him, they worshiped him,; but some doubted.”

B Maybe some “believers” have doubts about certain theological issues and therefore distance themselves so they don’t have to deal with their doubt.

C The word “doubt”(Gk d?st??? – distaz?) in VS. 17 is not presented here as an obstacle to discipleship; but, is recognized as a PART of discipleship.

II Notice that VS. 18 does not say that Jesus came ONLY to those who had no doubts. He came to them all.

A The word used for doubt is only found here and MT, 14:31

B This word refers to the wavering of a person who must decide when more than one possibility seems reasonable and right. It does not carry the negative connotation that we give it.

C This passage from Matthew tells us that Christ does not wait until we are full of faith and cleansed of doubt before He comes to us using us in His mission and ministry to the world. HE DOES NOT WAIT UNTIL WE ARE PEFECT. HE ACCEPTS US AS WE ARE!

III VSS. 19&20 are known as the “Great Commission” which serves as the job description for every follower of Christ.

A VS. 19 “Therefore go and disciple all nations.” In the two verbs “go” and “disciple” Jesus tells us what is expected of we who call ourselves his followers.

B “To disciple” involves 3 things:

1) triune baptism

2) obeying all that Jesus commands

3) go to all the nations

C The hardest thing for most of us is OBEDIENCE! I’m going to make it easy for you. I’m going to tell you 10 things that Jesus taught and encourages us to obey.

Concl: If you want to be obedient to of the teachings of Jesus 10 things are necessary:

1) reach out to others

2) be reconciled to each other

3) love your enemies

4) do not retaliate against evil

5) pray

6) fast

7) give in a way that does not draw attention to yourself

8) deny self

9) love your neighbor

10) above all: love God.

If you do these 10 things that Jesus not only taught but embodied, you will be a good disciple.