Summary: John 2:1-11 and Isaiah 62:1-5 are woven together to encourage the Christian to get on with living the Christian life.

Just Do It!

John 2:1-11 / Isaiah 62:1-5

Intro: Ever have one of those days when everything went wrong? Why me? I’m here God; did You forget me?

I. Wedding feast in eastern society - 7 days or more - new guests arriving daily.

A. Jesus arrives with 5 more uninvited guests - possibly why Mary asks Jesus to get involved. - possibly the marriage of a relative.

B. To avoid embarrassment - Mary asks Jesus to do something. She was confident that Jesus would. (Verse 4)

C. Mary’s confidence is met with apparent rebuke - not so! (Actual translation - "what have I and you to do with that? - i.e. "Never mind; don’t be worried.")

II. Our faith in God waivers but we are encouraged to act and live as though God has already acted.

A. Mary told the servants to just do it! --- Do whatever he says. (verse 5) - Pray believing that you will receive.

B. We often pray when there is nothing else to do. God is the last resort.

C. passage from Isaiah - response to the hopeless attitude of the people toward their situation.

III. Mary has quiet confidence in her son’s ability to do something.

A. God should be our 1st alternative; not our last chance.

B. It’s called - confident living - God does not forget His own.

C. Jesus did not hold himself aloof from innocent human happiness - he got involved.

Conclusion: Trusting is believing that God will care for you. Trusting is believing that God will see you through. It’s like putting your hand in Jesus’ knowing he won’t let go. I’ll trust Him because he loves me so.