
Summary: In this passage we see a timeless account of good vs evil. Time after time in business, corporate America and meeting rooms, you will hear the words, “It is a David and Goliath situation.” This passage is here to teach us some very basic principles to help us face everyday life.

Some Giants Need Killin’

I Samuel 17:3-11, 32

Introduction: Were you ever picked on by a bully? Ever felt outsized, inadequate to face a challenge, or disadvantaged in the face of opposition? In this passage we see a timeless account of good vs evil. Time after time in business, corporate America and meeting rooms, you will hear the words, “It is a David and Goliath situation.” This passage is here to teach us some very basic principles to help us face everyday life.

I. Giants are bigger than life

A. They are scary because they are so large

B. They seem to be invincible

C. Goliath was over 9 feet tall

D. The giants in our lives loom larger than life

E. What if I told you that it is not the size of the giant that brings

fear, it is our perception of the size of the giant.

II. Giants continue to come until they are decisively dealt with

A. Every day Goliath came—every day for 40 days v16

B. Every day Israel heard the taunts

C. Goliath did not give up because he faced no opposition

D. Giants don’t just get up and walk away

E. Giants cast big shadows over our lives even if they don’t attack

III. Everybody else sees the giant

A. You may say he does not exist

B. You cannot hide a giant

C. The giant usually comes with support staff

1. Those who know that they are there and remind you of it

2. Situations that support their existence and influence

3. Other situations and circumstances that have left you

feeling defeated before the “giant” shows up.

IV. God is the only answer for the giants in our lives

A. It is not within us to slay the giant

1. David had a sling

2. David had stones

3. David was offered Saul’s armor- would not work for him

4. David had his past experience of faith in God

5. David recognized that victory was in the hands of God

B. The secret to slaying any giant is to overcome the very power that the giant possesses.

1. Once the giant is disarmed, he can be defeated

2. God will always provide an opening for victory

a. Based upon our faith

b. In response to our initiative

3. Many times we accept defeat before the battle

a. “I already know that I can’t win”

b. With a defeatist attitude, we don’t even try

4. We are encouraged to answer the question, “Exactly what

is it about this situation that causes me fear?”

5. Many times it is our perception of the problem that

empowers the problem.

a. If our perception is changed the problem’s power

is taken away

b. It is hard for us to understand that we are the ones

that give the power to the problem

Conclusion: What giants do you have looming in your life? Do they come out every day to taunt you? Do you find yourself giving up? Has God delivered you in the past? Then let God kill ‘em for you.

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