
Summary: In difficult time how can we live in the abiding presence of our Lord and waht does His abiding presence accomplish ?

(1) Introduction:

Paul knew the keys to living in the manifest presence of God! Even when forsaken by all (2 Tim 1:15;4:10,16) when he was charged in Rome he was strengthened powerfully to do God’s will because Jesus was tangibly with him. Others who knew this key when forsaken were David (Psalm 31:11-13); Elijah (1 Kings 19:10,18) and Jesus Himself (John 16:32).

(2) We must claim by faith that Jesus....

(a) Stands by us (v17a).

verse 16 ’stood with’ is ’paraginomai’ means ’to appear publically’.

verse 17 ’stood with’ is ’paristemi’ - to provide/assist(as in Rom 16:2)

He is always with us but we are not always with Him! (Matthew 28:19-20)

(b) Strengthens us (v17b).

endunamoo - to empower (Phillipians 4:13; 2 Tim 2:1 and 2 Corinthians12:9)

See Isaiah 41:10.

(c) Speaks through us (v17c).

Kerygma plerophoreo - to be fully loaded with a message and to proclaim it fully.

(d) Sets me free (v17d, 18).

Delivered = rhoumai = to rescue (rush or draw out of difficult situation).

Same word as in Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:13).

Notice this comes last NOT first. Many wait to be delivered from situation before serving but it is in serving by grace that weare delivered!

(3) Conclusions:

- It is possible to live daily in His abiding presence, empowered by Him.

- we do this by faith, acting in obedience to His Great Commission.

- as we do this He will minister through us and we will be delivered out of all evil.


Discussion Questions for CSG...

Read 2 Tim 4:16-18 together.

(1) Have you ever felt forsaken like Paul ? Talk about it.

(2) What enabled Paul to know the manifest presence of the Lord in this situation ? Read Matthew 28:19-20 and discuss the what we must align our lives with by faith in order to really expereince the Lord’s abiding presence.

(3) What was Paul empowered to do and how was he to do it ? Discuss how this is relevant to each one of us. Talk about what it means to be empowered to do His will.

(4) What was the result ? Discuss how this applies to each person.

Take time to pray for each other to know the abiding presence of the Lord, be empowered to let Him speak through each one and hence be delivered out of all evil.

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