
Summary: Are you going to have a happy new year, or will the social, moral and political corruption continue to destroy your peace of mind and hopes for the future of our nation and the world? It's time to stop worrying about the things that are beyond your control.

Turn to Proverbs 25:28, as we talk today about the secret of success for the new year. The question is, are you going to have a happy new year, or will the social, moral and political corruption continue to destroy your peace of mind and hopes for the future of our nation and the world? Listen. It's time to stop worrying about the things that are beyond your control. There are things that you have to submit to the hand of God and walk confidently into the future knowing that God is with us, and everything is going to be all right. Stop being driven by the prophets of doom and gloom on fake news, and start being driven by the good news that God has written in this sacred text.

The Bible you hold in your hands is God's blueprint for the future. When the melodrama of this madness that we're presently going through with is over, we win. The kingdom is going to rule this earth from the City of Jerusalem. King Jesus is going to sit on the throne of his father David, and He's going to rule this earth according to the dictates of His Word. That means He will rule it with a rod of iron. It's something that the mind of man finds difficult to grasp. Church of Jesus Christ, this is our future. Lift up your heads and rejoice. King Jesus is about to return. And all of this madness on planet earth will vanish in the twinkling of an eye.

Solomon, allegedly the wisest man on the earth, gives us the secret of success in Proverbs 25:28. "Whoever has no rule on his own spirit is a like a city broken down, without walls". A city that has broken-down walls has no control over its future. In that world, in the biblical world, your defense system was the wall around the city. If it was broken down, you were most certainly going to be taken over. The walls around Babylon were so wide, four chariots could race on top at one time. And it was 60 miles around the city. It was an awesome military force. Whenever a city had just a crack in the wall, it was a place of weakness. So, Solomon is saying here, "The secret for success in this coming year or any other year is self-control. Do you have it? If you don't have it, you're going to self-destruct". That's the message.

Father God today, let the anointing of the Holy Spirit rest upon this concept and bring us to the resolution that we are going to discover, with God's help, self-control of ourselves: that our future may be divinely and supernaturally blessed. In Jesus name, we pray. And all of God's children said, amen.

In this age of advanced technology, we have learned how to control the sun to heat our homes. We have learned to control mighty rivers to produce electricity for our cities. We have satellites in space that can transmit communication signals to people on the other side of the earth in a fraction of a second. Guided missiles now circle the earth, and it can hit its target after 25,000 miles in flight. China did that. Their message to America, "We can hit you without you even knowing we're coming".

Why have we not learned to control our self? Because it's easier for a man to control the universe than it is for him to control himself. Our technology has produced nuclear bombs that are so powerful, scientists say, we have enough nuclear power to destroy every person on the earth ten times over. I have news for you. I am not afraid of a nuclear bomb. I am afraid of a nuclear bomb in the hand of a madman, because he does not have self-control. That describes Iran. They are led by maniacal people who have the absolute sworn devotional point of destroying America and Israel. Hello, Washington. Iran must never be permitted to produce a nuclear bomb, not now, not ever! Why? Because bombs do not make up their mind to explode. It requires a lunatic man to drop them and ignite them. If history teaches us anything, it teaches us that we cannot control ourselves.

Self-control, do you have it? You better get it, because without it, you will self-destruct. Hello, America. Take charge of your life or someone else will. You are much more qualified to predict your future than the people who are in Washington D. C. I tell you that. The Bible teaches that he who conquers a city is not nearly as strong as the person that conquers them self, because the greatest enemy that you will ever face is you. Your doubts are traitors to your dreams. Your fears strangle your hopes and keep you from climbing the impossible mountain. Your habits born of your freewill lead you into captivity or paradise. Some of you have habits right now that are destroying your health. You need to learn how to control that.

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