
Summary: God can bring about selective lifting in your life by supernatural favour as He did in the life of Esther

Supernatural Favour for Selective Lifting

Study Text: Esther 2: 15 - 17


- Supernatural Favour is an enabled grace that has the ability to turn Captives into Champions and to turn the Poor into Princes.

- It is divine power that enables us to succeed without struggles and to win without being worn out.

- One encounter with supernatural favour will achieve what the labours of many years can not accomplish. Psalm 5:12

- The young lady Esther found grace and favour in the sight of the king, not because she was beautiful, but because God was with her and surrounded her with supernatural favour.

- There were many more beautiful women at that time in the king’s palace, but supernatural favour was what gave her a place of honour.

- Divine favour promoted her from being a slave girl to being a queen, and from being a stranger to being a special personality.

- As a result of favour and grace that God showed Esther, the entire assembly of Israel was preserved against the trap of death. Esther 3: 5-14

- Hamman desired the entire nation of Israel to perish mercilessly. But, the power of supernatural favour averted the satanic trap of wickedness.

- Hamman devised a law that demanded all the Jews to be destroyed until they were wiped out, but supernatural favour saved them. Just as supernatural favour raised Esther from nothing to greatness, so God’s people also rose from the death penalty to abundant life.

- The blood of Jesus has entitled you to supernatural favour, but faith is what enables you to walk into it. It is your covenant heritage in Christ Jesus.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Preparation of Esther by Supernatural Favour

2. The Presentation of Esther with Supernatural Favour

3. The Preservation of Esther's Generation through Supernatural Favour

1. The Preparation of Esther by Supernatural Favour:

- Esther did not just receive favour on that day, but supernatural favour has been preparing her for the highly favoured position.

1. The raising of Esther by Mordecai.

- Esther has lost her both parents, but supernatural favour connected her with Mordecai, her destiny helpers.

- There are people that your connection with them gives your life a turn around for blessings and breakthrough. Only supernatural favour brings about such connection.

2. The removal of Vashti from the throne

- Vashti was not suitable for the purpose of God to be accomplished in the lives of His people, so there was a divine arrangement for her to be replaced.

- Her successful removal to make the position vacant and to be contested for was part of a display of supernatural favour preparing Esther for the glorious destiny.

3. The participation of Esther in the competition.

- By all standards, Esther was the most unqualified person for the competition, but supernatural favour covered her.

- Whenever the unusual or uncommon things happen by the hands of the Lord for your advantage, it is a display of supernatural favour. The selection of David for the throne among his physically strong brothers was a great example.

4. The preferential treatment given to Esther by the keeper of virgins.

- Whenever there is an unexplainable preferential treatment, it is the display of supernatural favour.

5. The final selection of Esther by the King.

- Her selection was not because of her beauty but a revelation of the glory of God upon her due to supernatural favour.

- Whatever blessings that comes, that can not be traced to efforts, wisdom, possession or achievement can be explained by supernatural favour.

- So, it can be seen that God had a glorious destiny for Esther and He had been preparing her for this glorious destiny all along by supernatural favour.

2. The Presentation of Esther with Supernatural Favour: Esther 2:15

- When supernatural favour is in operation, you are greatly blessed and you don’t have to depend on your self-efforts, wisdom or abilities.

- When King Ahasuerus was looking for a new queen, the most beautiful women in the land were all brought into the palace. All the women were given the opportunity to adorn themselves with whatever they desired from the women’s quarters before they were brought for an audience with the king.

- But when it was Esther’s turn, she “requested nothing but what Hegai the king’s eunuch, the custodian of the women, advised.”

- And look at the results: “Esther obtained favour in the sight of all who saw her,” and the king “loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen” (Esther 2:17).

- While the other women grabbed the best garments, perfumes, and accessories to beautify themselves, Esther did not rely on her own abilities but submitted herself to Hegai, the official who had been appointed by the king to oversee the women. There was so much wisdom and humility in her decision.

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