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Prov. 23:22-23

All over this world today people disperately need to hear the truth. There is a big difference between what the people are told and the real truth. There is a credibility gap in the presentation of the gospel also.

Countless numbers of people today are lost and on the road to hell because they do not know that there is a difference between what they have been told and the real truth.

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Proverbs 23: 22-25 says 22Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old. 23Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

If the plight of mankind is as bad as the bible says it is then it is the wise man that will do everything in his power to obtain the truth.

The Bible tells us that man’s condition is a dark picture; the Devil’s crowd tells us that man’s condition is a not bad at all; they’d have us to believe that-

Fornication has become premarital sex, adultery is now called love affairs, drunks have a fancy name called alcoholics, crime is a mistake brought about by social inequality, sodomy is considered an alternate lifestyle.

What is the plain truth and how important is it to us that we know that truth?


A. Sin is universal.

1. There is nobody who is not a sinner. There is no one who has not sinned everyday of his or her life. Most everyone listening has already sinned this morning.

2. Sin is not a way of life; it is a part of life. Sin is as much a part of us as the blood that flows in our veins. (The hypocrite is as much a sinner as the drunkard.)

3 Today what we hear a lot is that sin is a force of evil and that it can be avoided. That it is possible to live above sin, that it is possible to live without sin.

Well It would certainly be nice to live without sin and I look forward to a day when the Son of God comes back to this earth and men can at last taste life without the pains of sin.

4. But until Jesus does come back and binds Satan, sin will remain on the rampage, wrecking lives and destroying homes. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of times the bible lays down the indisputable fact that, “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” and that “there is none righteous, no not one.”

5. Sin has touched the lives of every man and woman since Adam and Eve. What makes people lie and steal? SIN. - What makes people lash out and try to hurt others...burn and destroy...murder --and rape and rob? - What makes alcoholics and dope addicts?- SIN

B. Sin is the great destroyer.

1. The popular idea is that, “Well, a little sin can’t hurt anything.” The little sin of abortion has left literally millions dead in it’s wake.

2. It was sin that started W.W. I and II. Sin is behind every lie and rumor. Sin assassinates characters, lives, and nations.

In all the millions of words that could be said about sin, not a single word can be found that would commend it.


A. You should know that hell is real.

1. There are a lot of men in the ministry today who don’t believe that there is a real hell.

2. Jesus knew that there was a hell. He described Hell in very vivid terms in Luke 16:19-31. See also Mark 9:43-48.

B. You should also know that hell is for eternity.

1. The rich man in Luke. 16 wanted out of hell, but he couldn’t get out. He wanted to warn his friends and relatives not to come to hell.

2. There are men who will tell you that there is no reason for you to fear hell, that even if you do go there you can get out someday.... and by the way, there is no place called purgatory, no where in our King James Bible can you find that word. That’s just one of the many lies the harlot church wants people to believe, “ just keep giving money to the so called priest and he will finally pray your loved one out”

let me ask you again to please read Luke 16: and you’ll see that the rich man died and instantly lift his eyes in hell.

2. It is not God’s will that you die and go to hell.

3. II Pet. 3:9) “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance

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