
Summary: Faith that never fails

The Faith Of Abel by Gerald Van Horn

Text. Hebrew 11:1-4; Genesis 4:1-8 and Luke 18:10-14

Hebrews 11 is a treatise of men and women who exercised faith. The principle of faith operated different in the lives of those mentioned in Hebrews 11. We are aware that these are ordinary people who believed God and were able to please God.

Our reference in Scripture to Able points out His faith in worship. Such a faith is indispensable in our worship of God. May we learn the lesson from this remarkable man.

1. The faith of Able is remarkable in that it centers around obedience.

Here is an aspect of faith that is often over looked. The setting is two brothers who

are attempting to honor God with an offering. They must have been taught by their

parents in the proper procedure to offer a sacrifice to God. Both men built an alter.

Cain brought his offering, “the fruit of the ground.” Abel’s offering was, “firstling of the flock and the fat thereof ”, a lamb. Of the two offerings Cain’s was very beautiful to

behold with the eye. Abel’s was bloody and in ones eyes ugly to look at. However

Abel’s was what God wanted. Cain’s was pleasing to man. Abel’s offering looked

to the coming of the Jesus the lamb of God who would shed His blood for sinners.

It was God’s way and the only way to redeem mankind. Exodus 12:5 “Your lamb

Shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep

or from the goats.” John 1:29 “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him,

and saith behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.” I Peter

1:19. But with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and with out


2. The faith of Abel is remarkable in that points to the need for God’s forgiveness.

The offering of Cain did not even have a hint of redemption. Abel’s offering spoke

volumes about man needing forgiveness of his sins. One was proud, and was rejected;

the other humble, and he was accepted; one was blind in his sin and full of self-

righteousness; the other acknowledged his need for God’s forgiveness.

3. The faith of Abel recognized that no work or effort of his own could gain him

acceptance before God.

Ephesians 2:8-10. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are the workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

Ill. It is like a broad jumper who needs to jump 32 feet to win the prize. As hard as he

may try he always comes up short

4. The faith of Abel pointed to the Great Offering for sin.Hebrews 12:4 we read that the blood of Jesus, “ speaketh better things than that of Abel.” Cain could have said I have no lamb to offer! Oh, but he did! In Genesis 4:7 The Lord said to Cain, “A sin offering lieth at the door.” God was giving Cain a second chance but he took it not. He had too much pride. Proverb 16:18 “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

5.The faith of Abel made him righteous.

Hebrews 11:4 “By faith Abel obtain witness that he was righteous.” His offering was accepted by God. God put His approval on Abel. He was justified. He received

assurance of salvation. We read in Hebrews 11:4 “being dead yet speaketh.” The blood of Abel cried out from the ground. Likewise the blood of Jesus cries out, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”

The alter of God is long and can reach anyone who desires to be saved. Trust Jesus

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