
Summary: This is a day of Good News--how can we keep silent?

We operate a food pantry at our church, and we encourage those who need help to come. Some people would rather starve than accept charity, which is a manifestation of pride. At any given time in our lives we can expect to be the providers or recipients of assistance. Charles Spurgeon had this to say about pride: “O you self-righteous people, how can you talk about being saved? What saving do you want? You are as full of good works as you can be and your pride shines—how can you be saved? Those who are saved by Jesus are those who are in themselves lost, ruined and undone. Until you know your ruin, and confess your sin, it is not likely you will ever accept a Savior. While you feel you can save yourselves, you will attempt it; but when you can do no more, then you will fall into the arms of your Savior; and what a blessed fall that will be!” Just as we encourage the hungry to receive food on Fridays here, we ought to encourage people to satisfy their spiritual hunger in Christ.

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