
Summary: Understanding Sanctification

The Lord’s Prayer | Matthew 6:9-13

[The Art of Prayer]

What is prayer?

1. Prayer is a Dialogue!

a. The disciples saw something in Jesus and his ministry (miracles, interactions with others) and connected what he was doing in ministry with prayer.

b. Prayer is communicating with God. Talking.

c. Prayer allows us the opportunity to get our priorities right.

d. When you and I wake up, everything that we want to accomplish that day comes at us and it is our responsibility to prioritize those things.

What is prayer about?

1) Prayer is about our Relationship with God. (Our Father. Jesus’ favorite term for himself is Son of Man). ** How you see God is how you will relate to him!!

2) Prayer is about our Submission to God. (Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be done) ** This is about aligning your life with his call/demand/imperatives and allowing God to bring his kingdom to earth through your actions as he lives in/through you. Your kingdom come, your will be done is not a request – its lost in translation. It is still an imperative so it should read “Present your kingdom, Generate your will.”

3) Prayer is about being Content! (Our Daily Bread).

4) Prayer is about being Humble! (Forgive us as we forgive). It’s hard to admit you are wrong, it’s just as hard to let go of an offense when you have been wronged. If we don’t forgive, God doesn’t forgive.

5) Prayer acknowledges the sovereignty of God. (Lead us not into temptation). God does not tempt man, but he does have the power and the ability to deliver us. (Jude 1:24)

[The Heart of Prayer]

Jesus began discussing prayer by saying this “Go into your room and close the door and pray to your Father in secret” and when Jesus teaches us to pray just a few verses later, he begins with “our” indicating this prayer is corporate. Thus, the heart of prayer is about relationship with God as Father and with one another as family. Now we can see how this prayer is meant to be:

- Our Father: God desires everyone comes to know and pursue him.

- Your Kingdom Come: That God’s rules and reign in heaven becomes a reality here on earth.

- Our daily bread: That everyone’s needs are met! This is God’s heart for humanity and his call to his people – to meet the needs of others!

- Forgive us as we forgive: God desires that we move towards a life of freedom from sin and a life of reconciliation towards one another.

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