
Summary: The work of the Church is to be about the work of evangelism. We need to be about the Lord's work of sharing the word.


1 Corinthians 9:16

Illustration SOURCE: From Charles Cockroft’s Sermon: Am I My Brother’s Keeper

I heard a story about a guy:

? who applied for a job as an usher at a theater in the mall.

? As a part of the interview process,

The manager asked him, "What would you do in case a fire breaks out?"

The young guy answered, "Don’t worry about me. I can get out fine."

That’s exactly how:

? many in today’s world

? respond to a lost and dying world around them.

If you asked them:

? "What would you do if Jesus came back tomorrow?"

? they would probably respond,

? "Oh, don’t worry about me. I’d be fine."

But what is all too easy to forget:

? is that you’re an usher!

? It isn’t enough just to get out yourself.

? You are responsible for helping others know the way.

The Mission of God’s body the Church:

- Is to Reach those who are not yet believers

- with the saving message of the Gospel

- and to build up believers to serve and worship the Lord

Do you know why Jesus came to earth?

- He was not bored with heaven

- He was in love with God the FATHER and people

- so He came with a purpose….

Do you know the purpose and reason Jesus came?

Luke 19:10 explains why Jesus came to EARTH FROM HEAVEN…

“for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

Jesus came to save people:

- God loves people

- desires that none should perish but that all should come to REPENTANCE

Author and Preacher Francis Chan:

- responded to an apparent critic

- who didn’t like the worship service

- maybe it was the music or the preaching who knows…

A person said:

“I didn’t like worship today…”

Francis said:

“That’s ok, we weren’t worshipping you.”

While I hope ALL of us are comfortable in this building:

- our comfort is not the main purpose of the CHURCH

- Obedience to God comes over our personal preferences

- the objective and purpose is to KEEP THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING

Jesus was crucified buried and raised on the 3rd day:

? to take away the sins of the world….

? not just my sins or your sins,

? that the world might be saved

So this morning let each of US think about:

? What is the business of the Church and how is business.

? Making sure we understand that.

? We exist primarily for those who are not yet here.

The sermon in a sentence is:

Missions is evangelism and is taking the Gospel to

lost souls who have never heard of the love of Christ.


The Great Commission:

- is an imperative or command

- it is a command for Christians to follow.

" Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV)

The instruction is:

- as you go “Make Disciples.”

- teaching and baptizing

- The command in the verse is to make disciples.

- to make learners and followers of Jesus

A disciple is one:

? who follows,

? who devotes his very life

? to the one to who he follows.

A disciple is a multiplier:

- a disciple makes disciples

- and that disciple makes disciples

- each one be one and make one

A Church that fails:

- to make disciples

- and thinks that command is for everyone else

- is not going to be around long

If we got busy with making disciples:

- our building problems would change from

- this building is broken

- to this building is too small for our needs.

A main concern for the Church is that:

- there are addicts that don’t know Jesus as Lord and savior

- that there are professional people that don’t know Jesus

- that there are children walking past the Church every day that are lost

Is it okay with us if people die and go to Hell?

- do we shed a tear for the lost?

- do we pray for the lost to be saved?

- do we love the lost?

When the day of judgement comes:

- I wonder what we would say if Jesus asked

- Did you care for the widows and orphans?

- Were you interested in the lost

- Do you care that your neighbor is going to burn for eternity?

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